Chapter 3 ❤

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Hi again! I feel like its been forever since I've made a chapter lol❤ Also there will be IT 1 movie spoilers so warning!


3rd person

Jimin and Jin put all of the snacks on the counter, then the sandwiches and both type of cookie doughs in the fridge. It was about 1:00 pm so Yoongi, Jin, and Jimin watched some TV, wanting to pass some time. Yoongi was looking through TV shows when he saw something he hadn't enjoyed in a long time. "Oh hey let's watch SpongeBob, that sound good?" Yoongi asked.
Jin and Jimin nodded hesitantly. "Yeah sound great!" Jimin faked a small smile. "Yup!" Jin said, not wanting to seem obvious or uncomfortable.

Jimin watched the show and laughed a little at squid ward saying something, leaning back into Yoongi. Before Jimin got the chance to sit up again, Yoongi pur his arm around Jimins shoulder. His heart beat in his chest, hoping Jimin didn't notice what he sneakily did. Jimins heart leaped in his chest as he tried not to smile.

Here he was, leaning onto Yoongi, an arm around his shoulder. He felt warmness spread throughout his chest. This was all he ever wanted, just to be cared for, and not just by anyone, but by Yoongi.

He had to be careful though, if he slipped now, or during the meet up, it would be over. No one would like him anymore, no one would talk to him, no one would look at him. He wouldn't even be able to look at himself. He always tried to keep little Jimin safe, because little Jimin was innocent, he didn't know people didn't like him, if he slipped in front of others he wouldn't stop, wouldn't hide. He wouldn't understand whats to lose. Little Jimin doesn't have to be afraid, that's why Jimin was an age regressor in the first place.

When Jimin is little, he isn't afraid of being judged or hated, and he isn't stressed. Little Jimin is very extraverted, like big Jimin, and he can be very talkative. It depends on his little age though, little Jimin is usually around 5, but he can occasionally be in the mindset of a 2 year old or younger. When he's that young, he is non verbal and cuddly, always wanting attention. Those moment are when he needs Namjoon to help him.

Le Tíme Skîp

3rd POV

It was 3:50, and Namjoon was the first to arrive. He greeted everyone, and gave Jimin a big hug. Jimin smiled and his face flushed. "We saw each other like two days ago Namjoon hyung." Jimin whined, bashful and hiding his face in Namjoons shoulder
( Smol Boi ). Yoongi face burned a little from seeing Jimin hide in Namjoons shoulder. He knew he shouldn't, he trusts Namjoon to the moon and back, so he tried to get his emotions under control.

Namjoon ended the hug and patted Jimins head lightly, and them gave Yoongi a small hug as well. "Hey Yoongi hyung you never call enough, aren't I like your best friend? And you never need rides either." Namjoon said, pouting and breaking the hug, which made Yoongi laughed. "Sorry I don't mean too, and as if I would ever ask for a ride from you, you scammer." Yoongi said dramatically. Namjoon and Yoongi's relationship was a total bromance sometimes, which Namjoon enjoyed. "Well anyways, Hoseok will be here soon, he just went to get some gas in his car." Namjoon informed. "While we wait lets get ourselves comfortable!" Jin said, excited.

Jin and the rest sat down, Jin making sure Namjoon was extra comfortable. In truth, he always had a small thing for Namjoon, but it was never any big deal, maybe one day he'll ask him out. Namjoon is such a gentlemen towards Jin, and don't tell Jungkook this, but when he gives rides to Jin he doesn't even cost him.

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