Chapter 6 ❤

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Hello! This chapter is gonna be hella late because of online school, and also my phone is breaking so that too, but whatever. Hope you like the chapter❤❤


1st Person Jimin

After everyone thoroughly cleaned Jin and Yoongi's house, I and Joon charged with cleaning the living room, we all said goodbyes, grateful to have finally spent some much needed time together.

The race started the second I stepped foot outside, I got in the car quicker than Namjoon, not bothering trying to get to home any earlier because I knew he tended to do random Uber lifts whenever on the road.

It was closing in on 3 pm when I arrived, slinging my coat up and kicking off my shoes hastily.

I could almost still feel my rapidly beating heart that occurred when getting caught, anxiety creeping up on me, and I couldn't help thinking Namjoon might be mad. I could only hope not.

I soon got tired of hearing the clock ticking and the unnerving pass of time, so I made a cup of chamomile tea to soothe my riled nerves.

It was working, but halfway through the warm drink and peace I heard the door knob turning and Namjoon come through the door, nearly making me gasp. I turned around facing the toaster with my hands, faking steady, on the counter. I was really nervous because I know he's going to ask me questions about- Ya know... The thing he saw happen in the closet. After all, Yoongi and Namjoon clicked a bit, he might feel uncomfortable with his best friend dating me.

Anyway, I heard Namjoon set keys down on the table and my stomach did yet again another round of flip flops.

While facing away from Namjoon was a way to avoid the conversation it still concealed my vision of him. I imagined he knew what I was trying to pull. I heard him clear his throat in the most intimidating way possible.

I slowly turned around, ready to face him and explain what happened, my hands grasping one another.

"Namjoon me and Yoongi-." Before getting out a full sentence, I do a double take, and attempt to translate his face.

He watches me calmly, like a deer, and I catch subtle smugness, maybe amusement? I halt my words.

He smiles kindly, reassuringly. "Jimin I don't mind, I promise. So don't get all worried." I stared at Namjoon with wide eyes, shocked. I would have suspected he would be maybe a little overprotective, seeing that Yoongi could sometimes be a little off-putting.

"That's not how I thought you would react," I muttered, doubtful.

Namjoon laughed heartily at my embarrassed and confused face. "What am I? Your parent?" Namjoon teased.

I scoffed, like that would ever happen. "Namjoon I'm not sure if I could trust you as a parent." I admitted haughtily.

Namjoon gasped, betrayed. "Jimin how can you be so cold I thought I raised you well brat." He walked into the living room, landing on the couch with a 'plop' from the cushions. I in turn chose netflix on the TV and put on Mind Hunter.

"Well this isn't your usual cup of tea." Namjoon had never seen this show watched by Jimin, especially not this genre; suspenseful, psychological.

"Apparently you don't know that much about me." I added a disappointed 'tsk'.

"Well excuse me when I'm being kept secrets from mister, and don't get all comfy now, I still want to know what you and Yoongi stand as." Namjoon stared intently as I blushed in return.

" We're dating... Why?"

"Jiminie you're getting so sassy, must be spending too much time with Jin." Namjoon snorted at the end of his sentence, almost agreeing with himself.

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