Chapter 7 ❤

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Hi everyone! I'm starting to like where the story is going, I hope you do too! Have fun reading and stay safe!


Namjoon woke up early on Monday and immediately heard an alert from Uber that someone needed a lift, he got up quickly not wanting to miss this opportunity. Namjoon liked doing long drives. He once took a road trip with a buddy a few years back and it was the most fun he had in a long time, he still keeps in contact with him, Jackson that is. They're inseparable and the best duo. He checked his phone making sure the person still needed a lift, they did, and he hurriedly made a note.

Hey Jiminie, I'm gonna
give someone a lift, so if
I'm not there when you wake
up don't be alarmed it's fine.
Ill be back soon!

-Sincerely Joonie

He deemed it okay and then rushed out, forgetting his phone. Namjoon got into his car and drove to the location as quick as he could, checking the request every once in a while at stoplights. He arrived and the stranger got into the car, then Namjoon greeted him, "Hi my name is Namjoon I'm your Uber, where would you like to go?" He asked politely. "Hello, can you drive me Ileum street?" The stranger requested. "Yup! That will take about 8 minutes."

Namjoon started driving and heard something from behind him. "Are those sirens?" Namjoon asked. The stranger with purple/white hair looked over their shoulder. "Yeah pull over, theres something going on." They pulled over and Namjoon witnessed multiple police cars and a couple ambulances racing past. 'What in the world is going on?' He pulled of the side and continued driving. Namjoon was borderline worried, after what happened last night on the news, the crime being only streets away, he was very cautious of everything now, and this commotion only worsened his anxiety. "Hey go look up what's happening, I forgot my phone." Namjoon asked while driving slower. "Yeah of course." They sat in silence for less than a minute before the passenger spoke up. "It looks like... Oh no."

Namjoon got eve. more worried, "What is it? What happened?" He exclaimed, but kept his eyes on the road. "There's been another murder... But... There's a survivor! A 15 year old girl, she's on her way to the hospital right now, It's live." The person in the back seat stared in awe at their screen. "That's horrible! But at least there's a survivor, I hope she's okay." Namjoon hoped. "Oh here we are, this is your stop." He informed. "Thank you for the ride! Have a nice day, also my name is Amber, Amber Liu." She greeted, and held out her hand for him to shake. "Well It's nice to meet you Amber!" Namjoon replied shaking her hand.

She stepped out of the car and waved bye, Namjoon doing the same before driving away.


Once Namjoon got home, he strolled in to find Jimin at the coffee table eating lucky charms, staring back. "Hei Namfoon!" Jimin called to Namjoon, with cereal stuffed in his mouth. "Hi back, how was your morning? Sorry I was gone in the morning." Namjoon apologized. "Oh no It's alright, and my morning has been good!" Jimin replied happily.

"That's good! I heard some bad new and good news. Apparently that killer struck again this morning." Namjoon announced grimly. He didn't like the sound of killer in his remote area. "That's terrible!" Jimin exclaimed, upset by the news. Namjoon continued, "The good things is, there's a survivor, a 15 year old girl." Jimin looked up in surprise at the news. "Well that's great! I hope she's in good shape." Jimin anticipated.

Namjoon was about to comment on what Jimin said before he heard a call from his phone, and picked it up. "Hello Namjoon here." He answered. What came through could only be described at pure panic. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh Joon-." He heard Jins troubled voice breathing heavily through the phone. "Hey hey Jin whats wrong calm down it's okay." He tried to reassure. He wasn't sure what was going on but it sounded bad. Jimin was listening to it too now when Namjoon put it on speaker, worried for Jin. "No no it's not oh my gosh Joon someone just died outside my job!" Jin poke hastily in fear. "Ok ok do you want us to come over there? Namjoon asked Jin gently. "Yes, yes please." Jin hung up.

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