Chapter 8 ❤

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Wassup, hahahahha.... sweats nervously. So this is late, but I love you guys, so I hope you can forgive me. Anyways, enjoy the chapter~


Tae and Kook sipped the warm tea Hoseok got them. They were sitting on the single guest bed; comforted by the tea's warmth and the fluffy blankets they were adorned in. The sun was slowly sinking down the horizon. Tae was warming his hands on the mug, submersed into the show when Jungkook turned it off. "Hey! I was watching that." Whining and looking at Kook questionably. "We can't watch it forever, let's do something else." He suggested and glanced around the room. "Got anything fun?" He mumbled and plopped back on the bed staring at the ceiling.

Tae didn't answer, only plopping next to him out of boredom. Jungkook turned his head and watched this, the sheets crinkling. He burst out laughing, Taehyung just giving up and laying down too somehow hilarious to the younger boy. Tae giggled at Kooks laughing fit, a confused expression on his facial features. "What's so funny?" He asked with a chuckle, teeth showing. Jungkook brought his knees to his chest for a second before bringing them down, trying to stop laughing.

His laughing died down and he put his hands in his hair, it was growing quite long and Tae liked that, it fit him. They laid there in a comfortable silence, listening to the breeze outside their window that was part open.

When Tae was about to break the silence, Jungkook spoke up, sounding troubled.

"Remember what I said about hanging out with that girl?" Jungkook murmured. Tae turned to him with a look wondering what this was about. Jungkook casted his eyes away from Taehyung's, he played with the threads on his skinny jeans. "Yeah why do you ask?" He studied Jungkook's otherwise calm expression, but he could sense something brewing beneath his composure.

Jungkook sighed and rested his hands on his stomach. Taehyung waited for him to talk, knowing there was something he needed to say.

"I don't want to date her. I don't want to be with her." The young adult admitted. The sentence stunned Taehyung; he didn't quite understand why Jungkook felt this way if he was always trying to be with girls. "Then why did you want to? Why did you ask out or talk to any of those girls?" He asked softly. He didn't expect Jungkook to admit something like this to him. 'Maybe I underestimated our friendship, maybe I mean more to him than I think I do.'

"I just don't want to be alone. I don't know how to properly be with someone, I can't do it myself."

The room was silent for a beat.

"I can't be with anyone before I get too scared and cancel plans." Jungkook closed his eyes and folded his hands, troubled and alone. Taehyung then understood what was happening, he watched Jungkook sadly, mouth open to say something but nothing came out. Because Jungkook was still the quiet boy he always was when they first met, he was still just as inexperienced as he was years ago. That hadn't changed.

"I just want to be led through it, I don't feel safe when I'm by myself, and I don't feel safe when I'm with a girl. Because I know she isn't going to help me feel comfortable trying to learn this stuff either." Jungkook took a breath after his thoughts and feelings were let out in the open like that. He could hardly fathom that he let out what he had been keeping closed in. But finally, he had, and he felt more relieved then ever. Taehyung only listened to Jungkook in awe, not knowing all this had been going on and he didn't even know. He must have not even noticed the hurt due to dismissing Jungkook whenever he talked about girls around him, never once acknowledged the pain in his voice when talking about meeting girls.

❤ Would you hate me if I said...❤Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora