Chapter 9 ❤

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I'm happy to be writing again, I've missing you guys and your sweet comments 💕 There is talk of abuse in this chapter, and flashbacks which describe abuse, so if this would trigger you then I wouldn't advise reading it, and if you didn't read but still want the run down you can dm me! Anyways, on with the chapter!

3rd person

    It was a few days after Jin stayed over at Namjoon and Jimins. This time, it was Yoongi who was going to be staying over.

They had been dating for a few days, and despite being former best friends and current boyfriends, Yoongi didn't know much about Jimins life at home, he barely took a look into Jins room.

It was Wednesday afternoon, and after work they decided to have an inside date.

They didn't have a lot of time, so they made plans to have another date sometimes soon.

After the incident, everyone visited Jin in their free time. For tonight, Namjoon was respectfully kicked out of his shared house so they could be alone. Namjoon decided to go to Jins to hang out. He thought he might need some company.

At Jimins, the two were laying on Jimins bed, enjoying their time together.

"Jiminie how come we never spend time together hm?" Yoongi teased while play pinching Jimin's sides. The younger boy giggled and tried getting away from Yoongi, but he had a grip on his waist. Soon Jimin gave up and rested himself into Yoongi's chest, he felt a head in the crook of his neck, breathing softly. "I love you baby." Yoongi kissed down his neck before coming back to rest in his previous spot. Jimin smiled, a replaced feeling going from his neck to his head. "I love you too hyung."

Yoongi loved hearing Jimin call him hyung, he didn't know why, but the thought of being the one responsible for Jimin, and being in the position to take care of him just made him grin with glee.

Yoongi reached for a stuffed animal, his arm leaving the spooning position

"What's this little guys name?" Yoongi looked at the stuffed dinos black soulless eyes in contempt. "Sorta creepy." He put it in front of Jimin and watched as he hugged the stuffy. "It's name is Argo." Yoongi internally died, his boyfriend was too cute, he could barely handle it. "Jiminie why are you so cute, if you really like stuffys maybe I should get you some as a present." Yoongi imagined Jimin hugging it and chuckled to himself. 

Jimin on the other hand flushed and removed Argo from his hold. "Stop it hyung that's embarrassing, I don't like stuffys, I just have a few..." Jimin whined, he didnt like people knowing he liked stuffed animals, cause that's what kids do. "Aw baby its nothing to be embarrassed about, and by the way, you have stuffys everywhere." Yoongi tried reassuring Jimin, he didn't want to make him upset over something so trivial, because there really is nothing wrong with liking stuffys. Jimin looked around his room, suddenly realizing he had many stuffed animals.

Yoongi was true to his words indeed.

"Should I get rid of them hyung?" He asked, completely serious. No grown man should have this many stuffys. In a room full of pastel colors. And now that he considers it, there are also some kids toys, though slightly unnoticeable, on his floor.

Jimin almost lost consciousness. "Oh god... Should I throw my whole room out? I'm sorry, it looks like a child lives here holy..." Jimin fretted and his face went beet red, like dangerously red. Yoongi was scared he was hoping to pass out. "Of course not Jiminie! What you like is perfectly fine, and I like your room, I would never judge you especially went there's nothing to judge. I love everything about you." Yoongi hugged him tighter, his hands were drawing comforting circles on Jimins scalp.

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