Blue-eyed Devil

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"She was like lightning, beautiful and quiet yet destructive and painful."

"Stop villain! I need back up! I'm in pursuit of the suspect, I need pros and police units to my location stat!"

"Son of a bitch." Furiously pumping your legs, you desperately try to widen the gap between you and the Pro hero hot on your tail. You agilely dash through the large crowd of people that is blocking your path to freedom.

You ungracefully stumble around a corner, the need to escape driving you forward even more. The wailing of police sirens, forces you to pick up speed, as you perilously try to ignore the agonizing burning coursing through your lungs and unbearably tired legs.

What did you do to get yourself into this lovely situation? For once, not a damn thing, you had been at a coffee shop downtown and a pro hero just so happened to recognize you. It's what you had previously done that resulted in this little mishap, the police had spent months tracking you down for the murder of two pros and four cops, plus a whole slew of other crimes.

Now, going out in public during the day when you're a wanted criminal, was not the smartest idea you've ever had. You're the first to admit that, you had gotten a little too cocky after the cops seemingly stopped looking for you, as far as they were concerned you vanished.

Until much to their satisfaction, and your displeasure, you had suddenly popped back onto the radar. The sound of an all to familiar booming voice, rips you from your thoughts and stops you dead in your tracks, "You're out of places to run Y/n L/n! This will be much easier if you surrender!"

Towering in front of you is the brute of a man known as the one and only number two hero: Endeavor, out of every pro it could have been it had to be him. You had been trying to avoid using your quirk as much as possible, you really didn't need any extra crimes on your already extensive record, but now you were completely out of options.

The endless flow of electricity surrounding you, triggers your quirk, thankfully you don't have anything that indicates to others when your quirk has been activated. However, when you absorb electricity it's obvious, considering the fact that it literally races along the ground towards you.

Rapid flashes of electricity rush at you and straight into your body, the zapping sounds of electricity quickly cease, complete silence falls over everyone, the crowd of on lookers, the pros and the police. They watch as silent flares of lightning dances from the tips of your fingers all the way up your arm, your voice breaks the silence.

"Endeavor, I don't want to hurt you or anyone else but if you don't move I won't have any other choice." The pro lets out an obnoxious laugh as he and the other pros ready their quirks, "You think you can hurt me little girl? I'd love to see you try!" An annoyed sigh slips from your lips, how is one person so arrogant?

"You asked for it." Slamming your palms to the ground, large bolts split the concrete as the white-hot lightning barrels just beneath the surface. The power of the buildings around you, goes out as you continue to draw in electricity, and expel it as lightning.

Anguished screams ricochet through the street, the smell of burning skin wafts around the now smoking and charred bodies of the people that got too close to your ruthless attack. None of them were the intended targets, they were innocent civilians caught in a war between two very dangerous people.

Your eyes immediately travel to the sky, where the answer to how you missed Endeavor and the other pros with your attack is revealed, Hawks. The number three hero had shot out feathers moving them to safety, just a hair faster than your attack.

Annoyance creeps it's way on to your features, as sparks of lightning flicker around your hand. "All you had to do was let me go Endeavor, but because you refused, innocent lives have been lost. I wonder what that will do to your pro hero image you so pathetically try to keep up."

Your words set the flaming hero into a rage, bursts of fire comes rocketing towards you, in response you discharge a thin bolt of lightning that strikes Hawks sending both heroes crashing harshly to the ground. Taking advantage of this, you spin around and run in the direction you came, the whooshing of fire following closely behind.

Darting down an alley way, an abandoned looking bar comes into view, having put enough distance between you and Endeavor you barge into the building hastily slamming the door behind you. The yelling of the number two hero and the other pros pass the building, minutes pass before you let out a sigh of relief, you lost them.

Turning around to survey the bar you had entered, you are greeted with seven shocked and aggravated faces. Realization smacks you in the face as your gaze lands on a shaggy blue haired male with a hand planted on his face, the league of villains.

"Uh.. Sorry about that? I needed somewhere to hide for a few minutes, had a little run in with Endeavor. I'm going to head out now." You turn around and as you're about to open the door a harsh raspy voice stops you.

"You're Y/n L/n right?" You cautiously turn around preparing to use your quirk if needed, your eyes flicker to who you already knew was Shigaraki. "Yeah? Ah fuck, please tell me I didn't fry a family member of yours." A deep chuckle resonates through the bar, crossing your arms, you lock eyes with the male responsible for the almost guttural sound.

"Is something funny about that, Scarface?" The male laughs tauntingly this time, what a dick, the sound of the news derails any reply he was going to give you.

"Y/n L/n, or as the heroes have dubbed her: Inazuma. She was apprehended earlier this afternoon, an intense fight lasting only fifteen minutes was had between her and Endeavor, resulting in the unfortunate end of twenty lives. Hawks was caught in the cross fire, but he is said to have only minor burns. If anyone sees this woman the authorities urge you to contact police, she should be considered extremely dangerous."

"How the hell did you kill twenty people, and injure the number three hero in a fifteen minute fight with Endeavor?" The male who had previously laughed at you is now looming over you, blue eyes piercing straight through your soul.

You raise an eyebrow in amusement at how confident he is in his "intimidation" tactic. Smirking, you decide to use his cocky facade against him, letting out a long, uninterested sigh before responding.

"Easily, my quirk gives me an advantage not everyone has. You mean to tell me you can't do what I did? Huh, guess you're not as good as you look." A smug smile tugs at the corners of his stapled mouth, he swiftly closes the distance between the two of you pinning you to the wall.

He leans down right next to you, his hot breath fanning against the shell of your ear, his sultry whisper gives you goosebumps. "I'd be careful if I was you, doll face. Keep talking like that and I might have to show you just how good I am."

Your eyes widen for a split second before your own smirk reforms, "Like you would ever get the chance, I can promise whatever you think you're good at, I'm much better."

Tomura's disgusted voice interrupts the teasing between the two of you, "Dabi, back off her, how am I supposed to get her to join us if you keep trying to screw everything that looks at you."

A snort slips from you as Dabi backs away, you turn your attention to Shigaraki, "Yeah I'll join you, it's not like I have shit else to do anyways." The hand on his face shifts slightly, in what you assume is a smirk. "Perfect, I have so many things to discuss with you."

As you slip into the stool next to Shigaraki, you are very aware of a certain set of eyes studying you. The moment you looked into those eyes, you should have known.

Nothing good ever comes from a blue-eyed devil.

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