Fall for the Devil

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"She wore a smile like a loaded gun." ~Atticus

You're currently making your way back to the hideout, Shigaraki had sent you on a supply run for some training camp raid he had briefly mentioned.

The whole trip didn't take as long as you had originally planned for, you weren't complaining though, it just meant you could get back to Dabi faster.

As the weeks passed you both had started dating, it was a little sudden, but being villains any day could be the last time you see eachother.

So when he asked if you wanted to make it official you jumped at the idea, sure you had arguments like everyone does, but at the end of it you always made up.

Just as you begin to enter the bar, a sudden force almost knocks you over, your gaze landing on the familiar black and grey mask belonging to Jin.

"Jin, what the fuck dude? Are you alright, is something wrong?" The irritation that had sparked at the action diminishes when Jin removes his mask, your eyes meeting worried bluish-grey ones, brows furrowing at the distressed look plastered on his features.

"I'm sorry, I'm fine but please don't go in the bar. You won't be! Go in!" Concern bubbles up inside you, thinking Jin had done something wrong, you gently grab his hands giving them a reassuring squeeze.

"Whatever happened, we can fix it together okay? Everything will be taken care of before the others get back."

Jin realizes you have no idea of what's happening on the other side of that door, the rest of the league members had left to recruit new people for the raid, all except Dabi. The burnt male hadn't known Jin was still there when he brought her in, that's why he had pushed you so aggressively outside, Jin knew what would happen if you found out.

"Y/n please, I'm begging you don't go in, I don't want you to get hurt." At his words a creeping suspicion rises in you, the only other person here is Dabi, this wasn't about Jin.

"Jin. Let me through, I promise I won't get hurt, everything will be fine." A smile, that doesn't quite reach your eyes, slithers onto your visage. You understand why he didn't want you inside, you are a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them.

Reluctantly, he moves out of the way allowing you to enter the place you call home, an undeniable sound reaching your ears. A woman calling out Dabi's name, the sound makes your blood boil, though on the outside that smile never falters.

Your legs carry you purposefully to your so called boyfriend's room, the door is ripped from it's hinges, from the force of you literally kicking it down. Bile seeps into your throat at the sight, Dabi is in his boxers, while the woman straddling him is only wearing her undergarments.

The woman looks at you, a sly smirk gracing her features, green eyes size you up before she turns  to Dabi. "That's your girlfriend? No wonder you wanted someone like me, why don't you tell her how good I make you feel?"

Blistering rage overpowers you as you stalk towards the woman, in a swift movement, her hair is wrapped around your hand as she is dragged off Dabi and towards the middle of the bar.

"Y/n! Stop, you don't need to hurt her! Kill her!"

Jin's frantic plea falls on deaf ears as you toss her onto the cold floor. She scrambles to her feet, for every step she takes back you take one forward, this continues until she is only feet away from the wall.

Large amounts of borrowed electricity from the bar comes rushing towards you. Dabi's voice sounds off behind you, his once carefree tone now laced with concern.

"Y/n stop, we can talk about this she's an innocent person, this is my fault. I know you don't want to kill her, doll."

The fake smile on your face contorts into a malicious grin, lightning sparks around your body as you shift to face him. "Oh Dabi, of course I want to kill her! I really, really do." Your eyes return to the woman in front of you, the moment her face morphs into recognition and fear is almost addicting, she knows exactly who you are.

"Inazuma..oh god, please don't hurt me! It was all just an act I swear! We never did anything before you showed up!"

Slowly approaching her frozen body, lightning still dancing around your figure, you step behind her your orbs locking on to Dabi's. Gripping her hair tightly you roughly pull her head back, whispering the last words she will ever hear, all the while your voice is as sweet as honey.

"Do me a favor beautiful, burn for me."

Jolts of lightning make direct contact with her body, after a few violent spasms her screams stop, releasing your grip on the charred remains your eyes follow as they crumble to the ground.

"Good girl."

A wicked smile plays on your lips, your words send a chill through the two males that had just witnessed the ruthless act of violence. Your sense of victory is cut short, agonizing pain immediately shoots through your body sending you to your knees.

Lichtenberg figures begin to appear, they were worse than normal due to the proximity of the attack.

"Fuck! Y/n, are you okay?" Dabi's hand gently grabs your shoulder, you recoil under his touch, shakily standing up your eyes stare into his.

"I should kill your pathetic ass just like her, you make me fucking sick. If you ever lay a hand on me again I will kill you with no hesitation. Do you understand me? Whatever we were is over, you're nothing more than a pig."

Not caring to hear his response, you exit the bar, your body swaying from exhaustion and the various emotions invading your mind. Before you can make it to the end of the alley, you lose your balance stumbling sideways into the brick wall, giving into the need to relax you slide down it.

Your eyes betray you, as hot tears pour from them, an unfamiliar ache in your chest makes it feel like your heart is physically shattering.

What Dabi did destroyed you more than you would ever admit, one of the most wanted criminals in Japan doesn't cry over some stupid heart break, but damn does it hurt.

Even under the ruthless villain persona, you're still human, and you still have feelings. You don't care that a woman, you don't even know the name of, died a brutal death by your hands. To you her death was warranted, but with that logic, Dabi should be a pile of bone next her.

He made you weak, you should have ran when you had the chance, but no you had to drag feelings into this. Now look at you, tear stained cheeks, burns splattered on your skin.

All because of him, a scoff slips past your lips as you get back to your feet, this would never happen again.

You would never fall for the devil again.

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