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"Evil queens are the princesses that were never saved." ~Maleficent

You really do have a listening problem.

Despite the short conversation you had with Shigaraki about ditching the league, you're currently tiptoeing to the front door of the hideout. The hard part was over, you had managed to slip from Dabi's suffocating grip while he was asleep, thankfully without disturbing him.

Under the guise of the completely dark family room, you silently grip the handle of the door, and inhale quietly as you turn it. A click alerts you to the worn down wood door opening, a pang of guilt shoots through you, like an arrow to the heart.

This is for the best.

Shoving away the unpleasant feeling, you crack the door open just wide enough, allowing you to slip out of it. The chilly night air nips at your slowly reddening cheeks, triggering a chill to course through you, leaving your arms littered with goosebumps in it's wake.

"You know it's much warmer in bed."

The sudden sound of Dabi's voice in your ear, elicits a startled jump from you, along with a string of colorful words. Strong arms snake around your waist, pulling your back flush against your boyfriend's chest, warmth seeps from him instantly ridding you of the cold chill. A few seconds of serene silence passes as the breeze rustles the leaves of surrounding trees, the glow of the moon illuminates the abandoned buildings surrounding the decrepit hideout, casting eerie shadows.

"Why are you out here anyways? It's fucking cold out here, you're going to get sick."

As if to prove his point, you shiver yet again, eliciting a chuckle from him. The sound drags the guilt you tried to push away back to the surface, you have to tell him, regardless of how much you want to avoid it. Taking a deep breath, you unravel yourself from his arms and turn to face him, your gaze meeting those beautiful blue eyes.

"Dabi, I need to leave. The longer I stay here the more danger everyone is in of being caught, I can't risk that, arguing about it is pointless."

Every trace of emotion vanishes from his scarred face, that definitely hurt him, but you have no other options. Out of habit, you pull your lower lip between your teeth, chewing on it with more force than needed. When he speaks after two long minutes of silence, your blood runs cold at the words that leave him.

"So, that's it then? You think you get the choice of just leaving? No doll, you're stuck here, you have been from the second you walked into the bar. Shigaraki is not going to willingly let one of his strongest members just turn their back on him, the only way you get out is by dying."

With each word his tone grows louder and more aggressive as he looms over you, Dabi doesn't scare you, but that doesn't mean you don't recognize his lethal power. Having been around him enough, you've witnessed how brutal he truly is, a life means nothing to him. He will unapologetically kill anyone that gets in his way and right now, the look in his eyes tells you that you're a target for his anger.

"You're giving me too much credit calling me the strongest and besides, I don't really share the same interests as Shigaraki does. I don't care about destroying All Might, I don't even want to take over Japan, I just want as normal of a life as I can get."

A scoff escapes Dabi as he takes a step forward, forcing you to take one back, his expression completely unreadable. That is one of the intimidating things about him, his face never gives away what he's feeling, unless he chooses to show it. Your back comes into contact with the sturdy brick of the hideout, Dabi has forced you against the wall, literally. His cerulean eyes seem to harden, appearing almost dull, compared to the brilliant blue they usually are.

"You really think you could ever live a normal life? I hate to shit on your parade, but as much as you deny you're not like us, you are. You've killed innocent people, destroyed lives, you even escaped prison. You're a wanted criminal, I'd even be willing to bet the world knows the name Inazuma."

Your jaw clenches tightly at his words, annoyance creeps up at the fact he used the deaths of innocent people to get to you, there isn't a day that you don't think about them.

"I know what I've done! At least I feel fucking sympathy for it, you just continue to savagely kill people for the hell of it, we are nothing alike. Everyone I've killed was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I never actively hunted them down and the league broke me out of Tartarus. Not once did I say I wanted to be rescued, I was ready to serve my sentence."

Your voice comes out much more venomous than you intended, but you can't find the need to care, even when Dabi's hand engulfed in his fire comes into view. Instead, your eyes shift over to the flames, watching as they flicker in an almost hypnotic fashion. Silently, you activate your own quirk and begin to draw small amounts of electricity from the wall you're pressed against.

Mimicking his movements, you too raise your right hand, electricity sparking around your fingers. This action catches the fire user completely off guard, he was trying to threaten you, but the serene look on your face tells him that fact doesn't bother you.

The feeling that washes over you is one you can't explain, you've never truly taken the chance to witness how beautiful your power could be when it wasn't being used for destruction. The way the white glow exuding from the lightning illuminates everything around you, or how not one spark is heard when you're not absorbing electricity.

"Do you think if things would have been different I could have been a hero? Even with such a deadly ability? That's all I've ever wanted to be, not a villain on the run from the people I used to admire, I wanted to save people. Yet here I am with blood on my hands and a criminal record so long, that I've lost count of how many crimes are now listed on it."

Dabi's blue flames extinguish as he pulls you tightly to his chest, your quirk deactivating when you return his sudden embrace, you never wanted this life. Tears flood your vision, causing you to bury your head even deeper into his warm skin, you wanted to be good. Dabi's hand gently tangles itself into your hair, somehow pulling you even closer as if he's afraid to let go, if only a hero had saved you.

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