Down in flames

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"She has been through hell. So believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into a fire and smiles."~E.Corona

"So let me get this straight, you want to invade a  camp filled with heroes in training, chaperoned by  pros, to kidnap the kid that had to be restrained at the sports festival? Are you stupid or just insane?"

You made no attempt to hide the absolute disbelief filling your voice, Shigaraki had previously found you soliciting in the alleyway, and told you to come in for a meeting. Which leads to the current situation at hand, if you were being honest, this was the worst plan in the entire world.

Shigaraki's raspy voice is laced with irritation as he responds to you. "Yes, that's exactly what I want to do, he could be an asset to us. You can fry the other brats when we take Bakugo for all I care." Your brows furrow at that, those kids are innocent, how the hell could you just kill them?

"I'm not killing anyone, I'll help kidnap the little shit but that's all I'm doing. I shouldn't have to fight, my presence will be enough to make the rest cooperate. I don't care how strong they are, they're still kids. The problem is going to be avoiding the pros."

"Good, it's settled then, I suggest all of you get sleep while you can. You all leave tomorrow night, this time we will not fail." You roll your eyes at Shigaraki's naivety, he rises from his seat and disappears into his room, clearly signaling the end of the meeting.

A long sigh escapes you, as you fold your arms on top of the bar, burying your head into them. The stool next to you drags across the floor, indicating unwanted company. Not bothering to look at the intruder, your voice comes out unusually hoarse you had been a wreck since yesterday, all the crying was finally catching up to you.

"Whoever it is, go away. I'm not in the mood for any more bullshit."

Exhaustion was shrouding you, instead of sleeping last night, you cried harder than you ever have. Of course no one knew about it, there was no way you would show that type of weakness in front of them, you're not even sure if you fully trust the league yet.

A voice tears you from your thoughts, it was that voice. The one that makes you sick to your stomach, the one that is so repulsive you shudder in disgust, the voice that belongs to the pig that hurt you.


"Doll, can we please talk about yesterday? I was wrong to do that to you, I wasn't thinking about how badly it would affect you."

A bone chilling chuckle erupts from you, the bass of it reverberates off the brick walls, effectively ceasing the small talk between the others. Your wild eyes meet Dabi's piercing ones, the almost feral look painted on your features terrifies him, Dabi induces fear he doesn't get scared.

Everyone knows Dabi can and will unapologetically snuff out innocent lives, and do it void of any emotion, but something about that laugh disturbs him.

The malice swimming in your eyes and the twisted smile adorning your lips, does nothing to ease the alarm bells ringing through his head, Dabi is face to face with fear herself.

"You didn't think about how much it would affect me? Come on Dabi, you're smarter than that. You knew exactly what you were doing, and I have nothing left to say to you."

Anger bubbles in the pit of your stomach, you feel like you're going to snap, Dabi's next comment sends you over the edge.

"What happened to my feisty doll face? I'm kinda surprised that one little fuck up was all it took to break you, did I hurt my little doll that badly?"

It wasn't his words, it was the mocking tone that flipped the switch in you, in a swift movement the stool you had been resting on was catapulted across the bar.

The sound of splintering wood echoes through the hideout, you had thrown the stool so hard that it was demolished the moment it hit the wall. Your voice comes out slightly distorted through your tightly clenched teeth.

"I'm not your fucking doll, and I'm not broken, I wouldn't give you the pleasure of doing something so monumental. You better watch your back Scarface, I'll hurt you when you least expect it."

The amount of venom dripping from your words would have been lethal if words could kill. Whatever fucked up game Dabi was playing, you didn't want any part of, he was going to learn first hand how dangerous you really could be.

A manic giggle turns your attention to Toga, who is wearing a large grin on her face, a deadly glint in her yellow eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you're so cute when you're upset! Can I please stab you? You would be so much prettier all bloodied up!"

You raise a brow at the overly excited girl, Toga didn't necessarily scare you, she just made you slightly uncomfortable with her overwhelming desire to cut people up.

"Uh, no thanks, sorry Toga. Although, I wouldn't stop you from stabbing Dabi."

An excited squeal rings out from the blonde as she stalks towards Dabi, a sly smirk creeps onto your face, Toga definitely made him just as uncomfortable.

Shaking your head, you plop onto the old ragged couch, staring at the ceiling as thoughts run absolutely rampant through your mind. Tomorrow was going to be rough for everyone, but unfortunately it would be harder on you.

The thing is you have a pretty big secret, a connection to one of the students in UA. You have taken every precaution to keep it that way, if the league figured it out they would  kidnap the person you have been so desperately trying to keep safe.

Your mind buzzes with how wrong everything could go if they find you out, and about how you are going to manage to elude the pros that will be at the camp. This was definitely going to be the most challenging things you have ever done, one thing is for sure, you will have to do everything in your power to keep him out of the league's grip.

In all honesty, you're nervous, this seems like way too big of a risk. Shigaraki would really go through all of this just to capture some kid? You knew he was crazy, but not like this, this plan has to play out absolutely perfectly.

One slip up and everything would go down in flames.

Through the fire Dabi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now