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"Fire in her eyes, and ice in her words; She chooses what you get." ~Matt Baker

Dull, throbbing pain pulls you from unconsciousness.

Your eyes slowly open, and scan the room you have no memory of falling asleep in. Wincing, you sit up in a vaguely familiar looking bed, when the hell did you get here? The last thing you remember is attacking the heroes, and passing out on the battlefield.

Obviously, the attack worked if you managed to get here, now the question is did the rest of the league manage to escape as well? A pained groan slips from you as you swing your legs over the bed, and shakily stand up. Nearly falling over, you manage to get to the bedroom door and swing it open, revealing what you assume is the League's new hideout.

Poking your head out into the hallway, a familiar gravely voice belonging to Dabi, and Shigaraki's raspy one greets you from the room at the end of the hall. As quietly as possible, you painfully tip toe towards the wooden door, and press your ear against it.

"She's hurt pretty bad, those burns will take a while to heal. Not to mention we need to lay low, especially after an attack of that scale. You thought every hero was looking for her before? We helped her escape Tartarus, we are targets just as much as she is."

Your eyes travel down to your arms at the mention of the burns, the lightning bolt shaped marks look incredibly inflamed, and irritated. The sound of a chair scraping against wood, and foot steps approaching the door startles you. In your panic, you silently bolt down the hallway back to the room you had woken up in.

You dive back into the bed ignoring the pain shooting through your arms, and wrap yourself in the blankets, feigning sleep as someone enters the room. Shuffling footsteps make their way to the right side of the bed, the mattress dipping as the unknown person sits on it.

"Look, I know you hate me, and I don't blame you. I would feel the same way if I was hurt like that, but as cheesy as it is I miss talking to you. I've never been great with emotions, but I never wanted to hurt you."

Dabi's gently twirls a strand of your hair between his fingers as you lay facing the opposite way with eyes wide open. Honestly, hating Dabi is not something you want to do, but how can you forgive him? Sure he's an asshole at times, but he's not really that bad of a guy, at least not as much to you.

"You know, when I saw the way you sacrificed yourself to save all of us, I wanted to fight by your side but the rat bastard boss wouldn't let me. Don't do dumb shit like that again, if you die I'm stuck with these dumbasses."

Your lips curl into a small smile at his words, maybe you have been too hard on him. Of course you care about him, but you care about the rest of the league as well, they're like a fucked up family to you. Sighing quietly, you roll over meeting surprised cerulean eyes.

"You're a shithead, but you did come break me out of that hell hole, so I guess I can't be that mad at you. However, if you hurt me like that again I will not hesitate to kill you next time, and I mean that."

Dabi smirks at your words, he would never admit it, but he's beyond relieved that you're finally talking to him again. Reaching your arm out you grab his shirt, pulling him down so he's laying facing you. Anyone else wouldn't be so forgiving, but that always was one of your worst, and best traits. You forgive people, even if they don't deserve it.

A warm hand rests on your cheek as you stare at the man next to you, he really is beautiful in his own way. Bringing your hand to rest on his you intertwine your fingers, a small smile forming on your visage.

"I meant what I said, I'm sorry for hurting you like that. No one would blame you if you don't forgive me."

Rolling your eyes, and releasing your hold on his hand, you gently trail your fingers along his scarred collarbone. A small smirk forming on your face at the shiver caused by your touch. Fingers curl around your chin, and tilt your head up, forcing you to look into Dabi's burning blue eyes. Your breath hitches slightly at the emotions swimming in his half lidded gaze.

A loud knock reverberates throughout the room startling the both of you, causing you to wince at the pain that shoots through your body. An irritated huff sounds from Dabi as he secures both arms around your body, and pulls you tightly against his rough chest. His voice rumbles through him as he scolds the person responsible for the interruption.

"Who the hell is it? I'm busy, fuck off!"

"You both really need to see this."

The concerned laced voice of Mr.Compress urges the both of you to begrudgingly crawl out of bed, and follow the masked man to the middle of the hideout, your eyes widen as you watch the news footage playing on the tv. The area outside of Tartarus is nothing but completely obliterated ground, charred bodies lay scattered throughout the carnage.

"The image being shown to you now is the end result of an intense prison break involving the league of villains, and Inazuma. Multiple prison guards lost their lives today trying to keep the dangerous woman from wreaking any more havoc. The symbol of peace himself has vowed to bring the monster responsible for this horrendous crime to justice. As always, if anyone has any information on the whereabouts of Inazuma you are urged to contact the police immediately. Do not engage the villain."

The moment the broadcast ends you release a breath you didn't realize you had been holding in. You're completely screwed, there is no other way to put it, All Might the number one hero is after you.  Silently you shuffle to a small raggedy table, and sit on the floor in front of it. Almost robotically, you grab a cigarette from it's pack and light it, one thought floods your mind.

This is going to be your demise.

Through the fire Dabi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now