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"She wore her scars as her best attire. A stunning dress made of hellfire." ~ Daniel Saint


So he did remember you.

You really weren't expecting Denki to recognize you, it had been so long since the both of you had seen each other. The hurt in his voice damn near broke your heart, here is his cousin who was thought to be missing, but is actually the most wanted villain in Japan.

Would he hate what you've become? You were both on opposing sides, so why shouldn't he despise you? Swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat, and steeling your emotions, you find the ability to respond to the confused boy.

"Hey cousin, it's been too long since I've seen you, I'm honestly pretty surprised you remember me."

Denki opens his mouth to speak, but is swiftly cut off by a short boy with purple balls on his head, who is looking at you like the devil himself just appeared in the room.

"Cousin!? Do you know who that is!? She's Inazuma, the villain that fried all those people when she fought Endeavor!"

The mention of that incident causes the lightning still flickering around you to flare up, you had done everything possible to forget about that day. Annoyance bubbles up in your stomach, you don't have time for this, you have a job to do.

"Yeah that's me, now I'll ask again, where is Katsuki Bakugo?"

As expected from heroes in training the students all activate their quirks, aside from Denki whose was already active, your heart drops a bit at the sight. You have no other choice, they could all take you on before you could even react, you have to fight.

Killing them is not an option, but you could shock them enough to put them out of commission. Turning to face Vlad King, who still hasn't made any attempt to attack you again, you fire off a lightning bolt at him rendering unconscious.

Now that the biggest threat is out of the way, you once again focus your undivided attention to the group in front of you, their faces holding expressions of utter horror and shock. Your agitated voice rips them from their stunned state, as understanding of the situation they are in sinks in.

"Don't worry, he's not dead, but he will be if someone doesn't tell me how to get my hands on that explosive kid. Please don't make this any harder than it needs to be, I really don't want to kill a group of teenagers."

Their fearful expressions are quickly replaced with ones of determination, and excitement. They were excited to fight you? Do they not understand what you're capable of? You shrug the nagging questions off getting into fighting position.

If they want a fight, they'll get one.

Not giving anyone time to react you slam your palms to the floor sending lightning into it. Even with a weaker attack the damage is devastating, the floor splits in the wake of the ruthless force of the assault. Searing pain rips through your body as it violently convulses, it feels like you're being...electrocuted.

Denki had managed to deflect your attack by using one of his own to force your quirk to deactivate. The shock to your system causes you to crumble to your knees, he had figured out one of the major weaknesses you have.

While you're able to draw electricity from your surroundings, it doesn't work on people, you have fought against electric types before. Those fights always ended with you being electrocuted, and you in turn frying the one responsible.

This was different Denki is family, and you don't want to hurt him, but he's not giving you much of a choice here. A threatening growl rumbles in your chest as lightning encases your arms, play time is over.

Shakily you get to your feet, body swaying slightly as you struggle to stand up right, the pain still invading your slightly charred body. Gritting your teeth multiple bolts of lightning zap from your fingers, intentionally striking the wall behind the students.

"That's the only warning all of you get, no more fucking around. Someone better tell me what I want to know, and quickly."

Your voice is hoarse from the absurd amount of electricity you were hit with, Denki really didn't hold anything back, and here you are trying not to kill them. This is the thanks you get? They should be grateful it's you, and not Dabi, if it was him all that would be left is a pile of ash.

Your cousin is quick to reply to your very real threat, his voice trembling with fear, it's clear to everyone in the room that they were out of time. What you didn't realize was a certain pro hero was on his way back and the odds would be heavily stacked against you.

"Y/n just relax. I'm sorry I shocked you like that, but you did attack us first. Can you tell me what you want with Bakugo?"

Something about the way Denki was talking to you calmed you down, maybe it was the fear seeping from him? Or was it the fact that maybe he didn't view you as the monster you were? Whatever it was, you let your guard down, that was the biggest mistake you made.

In an instant, you're tackled to the ground by Kirishima whose quirk is still active, you attempt to activate your quirk only for it to fail miserably. A struggle ensues with the red head, you desperately land punch after punch to his hardened skin.

Each attempt to activate your quirk is in vain, and you know exactly what that means, Eraserhead is here. The upper hand you once had is slipping from your grip, but the pro has his own set backs to his aggravating quirk, he'll have to blink before reactivating it.

Taking advantage of this, lightning engulfs your form, and shoots out hitting the still solid Kirishima. The force of your attack is strong enough to knock him off of you, panic sets in as you scramble to your feet.

You have to run.

Not wasting anymore time you bolt to one of the many windows blocking your path to freedom, using your elbow, you smash the window and attempt to crawl through it. Of course with the luck you have or lack there of, something strong wraps around your calf, and drags you roughly to the hard floor.

The students watch the scene unfolding in front of them in amazement, it's like watching a predator trap its prey. In a panic, you fruitlessly claw at the scarf around your leg, the capture weapon only tightens the more you struggle.

"Stop fighting, and surrender you're caught. We can do this the easy way or the hard way it's completely up to you."

The Pro's words sink in, and you stop fighting, you're caught either way. Your biggest fear becomes a reality as Eraserhead pulls you up, and fastens his scarf securely around your torso, making sure that your arms are pressed tightly to your sides.

This was it.

You're going to be caged, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

Through the fire Dabi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now