Ash and Fire

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"She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one." ~ Sarah J Maas

Being locked up in Tartarus was worse than you could have ever imagined.

You knew it was going to be rough, but you didn't expect to lose all concept of time. Hours, days, and weeks all molded together leaving you completely clueless on how long you have been stuck inside this hell hole.

Any sanity you had left was slipping away from you by the second, the white walls surrounding you felt as if they were closing in. The man from the day you arrived would frequently come in, and tell you about all the things you had been missing out on as a free person.

You knew none of his actions were done from the kindness of his heart, his words always held a mocking tone, you made a silent promise to yourself that if you ever got out of here he would die first. The views you once held on not killing people that were undeserving had long vacated your mind.

Now the only thing that mattered was bringing hell to those who put you here. Dabi was the second on that list with the rest of the league following behind him. He had the opportunity to save you that night, but he didn't, Dabi watched as you sat helpless. The feelings you had for him were mere memories now, you hated him for leaving you like that, especially after everything you would have done for him.

The familiar creak of a heavy armored door sliding open snags your attention to the window in front of you. The voice that echoes through your cell was not at all what you were expecting.

"Hey y/n, sorry I didn't come to visit sooner school has been crazy lately. Being a hero in training isn't easy. Oh speaking of I have so much to tell you! We've been working on rescue training, we did a whole situation about it today, it was totally badass even if I did get a little bloody!"

Your brows knit together in brief confusion at the overly excited tone in your cousin's voice he's cheerful, but this didn't match the situation. Deciding to speak for the first time since you've been locked up, the rasp of your own voice catches you off guard.

"It's fine Denki don't worry about it, I'm honestly surprised you came to visit at all. Rescue training sounds pretty intense but I bet you kicked ass at it."

An uncharacteristic sounding giggle erupts from who you immediately recognize is not Denki. The high pitched laugh is one you've heard more than once, you would recognize it anywhere.


So that's why rescue training was brought up. Toga was dropping a hint at a plan the league had set in motion, they were coming to break you out. Keeping up your emotionless facade you play along, letting Toga know you understand the message without giving it away to the guards monitoring you.

"So sparky, tell me more about UA. I can't imagine how tough it is with all that training you're put through. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch with you, and the rest of the family, it's been pretty hectic given my life choices."

Toga takes the nickname you have for Denki into consideration, it was your own way of trying to tell her to get back into character. To your relief she gets the message loud, and clear if you didn't know Toga, you would honestly think you were speaking to your cousin.

"Oh you know, I struggle when it comes down to tests, and stuff, but I'm better when it comes to something more hands on. I've been working more on my indiscriminate shock, but I still don't like to use it too much it can be dangerous to allies. When you get out of here you'll have to teach me a few of your tricks."

That small hint is all you need.

You know that if you don't do this quickly you could end up getting shot for it. In a flash, your quirk activates, immediately draining the electricity from your cell.

The sensors on your body malfunction, and stop relaying information to the guards. Taking advantage of the time you have before you're either killed or rescued, you continue absorbing electricity draining other cells of their power.

The sound of your cell door opening forces you to snap your head towards it. A sense of relief floods through you as the lightning flickering around your form illuminates familiar vermillion eyes.

Shigaraki really came to save you.

"Well, isn't this a sight to see. One of the deadliest villains in Japan strapped down, and helpless needing me to come to the rescue."

Despite his condescending tone, he approaches you placing all five fingers on the straight jacket cocooning you, turning it to dust. The same action is repeated until you're completely free of your binds, getting to your feet, your knees almost give out from the amount of time you've been stuck sitting.

"Don't worry about having to come save me again, the cops got lucky they won't get this chance again."

Shigaraki smirks, and turns on his heels the both of you exit the cell, and step into the completely dark hallway. As expected, the sound of heavy boots belonging to the guards rush towards you, the lightning around you flares up menacingly.

A wicked grin sneaks on to your lips as the guards come into view, the same time they ready their guns, you slam your palms to the ground sending lightning racing through it. Screams of agony rip through the other wise silent hall, a squeal belonging to Toga sounds from behind you.

"Wow y/n! You really fried those guys, you're so cool!"

You smile at her enthusiasm, the sound of more screams direct the three of you further down the hallway. Familiar blue flames shoot towards the guards burning them to ash, the man responsible turns around as you approach.

"Hey there doll face. I missed you."

You scoff at Dabi, and walk around him roughly bumping into his shoulder as you pass. Nothing else matters at this moment except for getting out of this hellhole.

Nothing is going to be left of the prison by the time you leave, it's all just going to be nothing more than ash and fire.

Through the fire Dabi x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora