Devil's trap

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"She was my little wicked with chaos in her eyes." ~Atticus

You were regretting leaving the bar, the unforgiving wind biting at your reddened cheeks, the bitter cold sending shivers down your spine. You had arrived back at your apartment only to remember, and see that the whole apartment building burned down.

The sight makes your heart sink into your stomach, little kids lived there and so did elderly people, and now they don't have a home. Overwhelming guilt, and disgust makes your stomach churn, people always seem to lose everything when they are around you.

Tears begin to form in your eyes, all of this was your fault, if you never went out that day none of this would have happened. The cops and heroes would still think you just disappeared, but no that's not how things ever played out for you.

Now here you were, no place to go, half freezing to death in the unforgiving cold. With no other options, you decide to make your way to one of the bars at the end of the street. Being two in the morning, you didn't have to worry about anyone trying to turn you in to the cops, most of the people out at this time are unsavory characters themselves.

Arriving at the run down bar you push the door open with an ear piercing shriek, naturally all eyes turn to you, anyone else would have shrunk beneath the men's predatory gazes. Straightening your posture, you slide into an empty seat at the corner of the bar, silently praying to whatever entity exists that no one would screw with you tonight.

Of course, your prayers fall upon deaf ears, as a large muscular man with wild light brown hair and yellow eyes sits next to you. Your heart feels like it's beating in your throat, this monster of a man has to be at least seven feet tall, his physique and ripped white shirt and black pants adds to his ferocity.

You've always prided yourself with the fact that not many things scare you, until you laid eyes on this man, shakily you light a cigarette in hopes of calming your nerves. His deep, gravely voice adds to his intimidation factor, "Those things could kill ya, ya know?" Your breath hitches as you frantically search for words, not wanting to get killed by a sucker punch.

"So could my quirk but I still use it, doesn't matter much to me anyways." Your response comes out way more snarky than you intended, this is how I die, squeezing your eyes tightly you wait for a devastating blow. Much to your contentment, the leviathan of a man laughs, "You got an attitude I like that, the name's Rappa. What's yours, tiny?"

If anybody else called you tiny you would've blown a fuse, that was not the case at this moment, you are way too relieved he hasn't decided to snap you in half. "Y/n, you might know me as Inazuma, I've unfortunately made quite a reputation for myself." Your words are filled with resentment that doesn't go unnoticed by Rappa.

"Oh shit! You're that lightning chick! C'mon fight me!" Rappa knocks over the chair he had been sitting on in excitement, your eyes turn into saucers at his demand. "Uh yeah that's me, and I'm not normally the fighting type. I don't use my quirk unless I have too."

The tank of a man doesn't like that answer and pushes further, "Oh c'mon! You don't need to use your quirk! I'm a hand to hand fighter!" Just as you're about to protest again, an arm snakes around your waist, an all too familiar voice speaks for you.

"She said no, I suggest you go bother someone else before I have to incinerate you." Rappa looks between you and Dabi, without another word he simply wanders away leaving you alone with the flaming douchebag, you shove him away his arm detaching from your waist.

"I didn't need your help, I had it handled." Dabi takes over the seat next to you, snickering as he snatches a cigarette from your pack, and lights it with his finger. "Oh yeah, you really had it handled doll. You looked like you were going to shit yourself, me being a nice guy I had to save the damsel in distress."

A sneer presents itself across your visage, Dabi's arrogance is almost funny to you, almost. "You're one cocky son of a bitch, and I absolutely cannot stand you. You're aware of that right?" His famous smirk tugs at his lips, blue orbs trail up your body, eliciting a disgusted scoff from you.

"Is that why you're so interested in me? I see the way you look at me, I gotta say I never pinned you for the bad boy type. A lot of girls wish they were in your position, dollface."

You dramatically gag at his words, trying to hide the fact that he's not necessarily wrong, but you were not about to let him know that. "My position? You mean being harassed by the most arrogant, infuriating, asshole-ish man named Dabi? They can have it all they want, sorry to shit on your parade but I'm not interested."

The confidence you have wavers when you see the look on his face, half lidded cerulean eyes filled with amusement, and that stupid half smirk playing on his lips. He really is an attractive man the burns covering his skin adds to his charm, of course you'd never admit it, especially not to him.

Dabi leans closer to you, noses only inches apart, he smells like campfire with a hint of cigarette smoke it makes him even more intoxicating. "That hurts me doll, it really is too bad, here I was thinking I had a chance with the hottest member of the league."

You bite the inside of your cheek so hard it bleeds, gathering whatever self control you have left, you lean away from him keeping up your uninterested facade.

"Huh, I wonder how many girls have fallen for that, and I'm not apart of the league anymore. Unfortunately for you, I'm not that easy and I don't date people that burn down my apartment, sorry Scarface." A low chuckle rumbles in his chest, as he rests his chin on his hand.

"I didn't say you were easy, I just call things the way I see them, and you are absolutely stunning. That's another thing, Jin is super upset about you leaving, he was practically begging me to make sure you're safe. It's a good thing I came when I did, that big guy would have pummeled you."

"You are so full of yourself it's almost laughable, I have never in my twenty five years on this earth met someone as unbelievably narcissistic as you." Your words come out equivalent to a hiss.

Irritation takes over your emotions, hopping off the bar stool you walk out of the bar, thinking Dabi was still there. You were wrong, he is now following you around like a lost puppy, "Wait a second, I wasn't trying to be an ass or anything."

You spin around to face him, your guilt finally gets the best of you. "You are an ass! I have no where to live because you just had to show up at my house, what have I even done to you? What warrants you burning my shit down? Do you even care that you could have killed innocent people all because you're so goddamn arrogant you thought you deserved an apology?"

For once Dabi is stunned into silence, he hadn't cared that he could have killed someone, but the cracking of your voice told him you had something weighing on you. For a reason unknown to him, he didn't like it at all, and he wanted find out what was hurting you.

"Look, come back to the hideout with me, we can talk about everything. I know I've been a dick but we can start over, I wasn't trying to upset you."

You pinch the bridge of your nose as you sigh in defeat, you might as well at least the hideout is warm and you wouldn't be on the streets. "Fine, just lead the way."

That was all Dabi needed to hear, he had managed to weasel his way into your head, and he was going to use that to his advantage.

You had no idea you had fallen into the Devil's trap.

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