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"She is dangerous and beautiful all at the same time." ~ Eshita

After the predicament between the League, and the head of the Shie Hassaikai, you opted to walk back to the hideout under the cover of night fall. Of course Dabi insisted on coming along, and honestly, you're in no mood to argue with him about it.

Thankfully, Dabi's coat, and the poorly lit sidewalks are great at concealing your identity. Not that it matters much anyways, because if some poor soul does happen to notice the two of you, they wouldn't get the chance to ever tell anyone. Being caught by the cops or pros, is the last thing you need today, but with your luck it's bound to happen.

A forceful tug from Dabi yanks you into a completely dark alleyway, before you get a chance to say a word, he slaps a hand over your mouth keeping you silent. The sound of footsteps approach the mouth of the alley, glancing over to the sound, you immediately spot two local pro heroes.

You really don't need this shit right now.

Slowly you grab Dabi's wrist, and pull his hand away from your mouth. Cerulean eyes stare down into yours, you don't need to see him to know that a smug smirk is plastered on his face at the closeness between you two.

"Hang on a second, I think someone is down here."

Everything seems to happen in slow motion, from the moment the beam of the pro's flashlight hits you, to the panicked shove you deliver to Dabi, and to the  blue flames that engulf the two men.

Your mind races as rapid footfalls approach the unbearably hot fire, you activate your quirk, drawing as much electricity to you as possible before racing towards the farthest end of the alley. Dabi has already managed to crawl up the dumpster, and is attempting to jump onto the fire escape of the building on the left side.

Rushing water, and the dimming flames, alerts you to a hero with some form of water quirk arriving on scene. A metal ladder clanks to the pavement as Dabi releases it, allowing you to scurry up it, and rush to the roof of the building.

"Hey! We need to hurry, and jump across!"

The panic in Dabi's voice doesn't go unnoticed, but as you approach the edge of the roof, your heart stops. There is no way you can clear the jump to the the next building, for the first time in a while, fear creeps up your spine. Stepping away from the ledge your eyes trail to Dabi, if you're going down, you refuse to bring him along with you.

"Just go. I'll find another way, when you get back to base tell Shigaraki what happened. Do not let him or anyone come after me."

Silence shrouds the atmosphere between the both of you, two hands grip the jacket loosely hanging on your form, Dabi's harsh voice makes you flinch just from his tone alone.

"Fuck no. I will throw you onto that roof if I need too. I will not let you get caught, not again. So pull your head out of your ass, and fucking jump."

There is no room for argument, that is made clear, sighing heavily you get out of his death grip and step back. You need a running start if your going to clear that distance. Dabi does the same and bolts, landing semi gracefully on the neighboring building.

Drawing a quick breath, you follow his lead, and leap into the air. The roof appears quicker than you expected causing you to tumble, and land painfully onto it. Wincing from the impact, you get to your feet, and run behind Dabi as another fire escape comes into view.

When your feet come in contact with the concrete sidewalk, relief washes over you, the hideout is only a block away now. Neither one of you stopped running until you both barrel through the front door,   and slam it shut, startling everyone in the room.

"What the hell is with all the noise!?"

Shigaraki swings open his bedroom door, and steps out, red eyes burning with annoyance. You never thought the sight of your less than pleasant boss would relax you, but you're with the rest of the league, for now you're safe.

Stepping back, you slide down the door, and hug your knees tightly to your chest. Every day you're here just puts the others at risk of being caught, leaving is the best option, you'll do anything necessary to protect them no matter how hard it is.

"Whatever dumbass thing you're thinking about doing don't bother."

Tilting your head up at the sound of Shigaraki's voice, you're met with crimson eyes staring down at you through the hand planted on his face. Confusion presents itself across your features, is he a mind reader now?

"You won't be saying that when you end up in Tartarus, and you know damn well how likely that is. As long as I'm here all of you are in danger, you as a leader should know that."

Rising from your spot on the floor, you come face to face with the boss, you have no intention of backing down on this matter. Maybe you have a death wish, but Shigaraki doesn't intimidate you in the slightest because realistically, you could kill him if you really wanted too.

Not that you would of course, you respect him too much to do something so rash, and the others would probably kill you for it. Sighing heavily, Shigaraki lifts the hand slightly, and turns his head giving you a full view of the side of his face.

"You want revenge for Magne don't you? Yeah you could go after them alone, but I guarantee you'll want to see what I have planned for the big bad of the Shie Hassaikai."

Damn him, and his perceptiveness.

"Fine, but if I decide to leave after that, and you try to stop me we are going to have an issue. I respect you as a boss, I really do, but I will do anything necessary to protect all of you. Stepping between my desire to defend the people I care about is the equivalent to signing a death warrant, regardless of who you are."

A wicked grin twists onto Shigaraki's cracked lips, the crazed look in his eye holds something that could be perceived as pride. The words that roll from his tongue confirms this suspicion, and makes a smirk of your own appear.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from such an unstoppable villain."

Through the fire Dabi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now