chapter 4: The obligatory party

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Author's note: hey guys here's ashe's room as seen in minecraft, just thought i'd show this to you

the armor stand by the bed is supposed to be the stuart little plushie btw, also warning: this chapter has violent content!

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the armor stand by the bed is supposed to be the stuart little plushie btw, also warning: this chapter has violent content!

It was thursday, 3 days after my first day at schoolie mcschoolface school of frendship and christianity, another day, another breath of fresh air, ahh....breathing air, one of my favorite hobbies! I can't get enough of that air! I gotta have it....breathe in it....LOVE IT!!!! Oh...sorry! I was rambling, wasn't i? Anyways, when i arrived at school (no yogurt on my shirt this time, or the baskin robbins bitches harrassing me) oh! And btw i was wearing a scarlet jacket, a tube top almost the same hue of the steven universe character lapis lazuli's skin with "fugly slut" written in cursive and in the same color as the cream in the middle of an oreo, a matching miniskirt because fuck the school dresscode, striped kneesocks the same colors of my jacket and shirt and ugg boots. Got all that? Good... anyways let's skip to lunchtime (the only class i get all A's in)

So i went to hang with my besties, kamille and Y/N with my 12 yogurt cups, stale chicken nuggies and 3 things of unflavored, unscented chapstick. "Hey guy- AAHH OH GOD KAMI!!! A-are...are you seriously eating a BANANA?!?!?!?" I screamed, kamille raised an eyebrow all confused-like, like she didn't even know... "uhh...yes? Is there something wrong?" She asked, i gagged a little "those things are INCREDIBLY spicy!! How are you not breathing fire?" I asked, seriously, how IS she not breathing fire? "Uhhh....asha...are you joking or something? Bananas aren't spicy, since when were they EVER?" Y/N said, i was speechless! Jesus christ, i'm friends with superhumans! After a few seconds, i finally found my voice. "What? You guys are fucking badass! I can't eat bananas without gallons and gallons of water! Like 20 at least! No joke!" I exclaimed, suddenly...i noticed a "omfg you're such a moron" look on their faces, "are...bananas not spicy? They're spicy to me...." i said, i was so embarrassed! So to try to hide it, i did some peace signs and said "uhh...hahaha...just white girl things...uh..uh, lmaooo" with tears in my eyes. I sat down and started eating, "s-so....*sniff* what's the tea...?" I asked, ass-deep in my chicken nuggies, "well....there's gonna be a party tomarrow, i don't know WHO's hosting it, all we know for certain is that it's someone from this school! Anyways...everyone's invited so do you want to come with us?" Kamille explained, suddenly i stopped crying like a little bitch and was almost finished eating, i was down to the last thing of chapstick, my eyes widened in surprise. "Party? I've never been invited to a party before! Yes! I'd love to go!" I said, finally! I get to go a party! Fuck you mckenna from kindergarden! Don't think i'm not still mad about you stealing my pokemon cards you poopyhead!

 "Party? I've never been invited to a party before! Yes! I'd love to go!" I said, finally! I get to go a party! Fuck you mckenna from kindergarden! Don't think i'm not still mad about you stealing my pokemon cards you poopyhead!

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