chapter 10: Matchmaking with my ex-rival

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It was another weekend, about 2 days after that interaction with rachel. We decided that rachel will be confessing to stephanie at a park, not le watté paede though, i may hate that bitch's guts but i'm still nice enough to not give her god awful flashbacks of last week and that so we just decided that the park of B̴͓͕̻̿̕͝ḯ̵̢̦̓ǵ̴̢͇̠̀̈́ l̵͇̝̦͆̀i̴͙̙͉͒́͑ö̵͍̘͓́̓̕n̵̡̺̦̔̽͝ was the way to go! I put on my dory-from-finding-nemo blue tube top with "fugly slut" written on it in twitter-light-mode white with a matching rainbow-dash-from-my-little-pony blue miniskirt, a knuckles-the-echidna-from-sonic-the-hedgehog red jacket, a pair of sonic-the-hedgehog blue and youtube red striped socks and a pair of ugg boots. I also put my void black and the-author-of-this-story's-skin-tone white in a ponyta- er i mean EXTREMELY MESSY BUN!! God have i really been saying ponytail this whole time? Aw fuckles...anyway i told my friends what's happening and kamille wasn't very thrilled, she said something like "the spirits told me this, you're turning to the dark side! Anyways i'm gonna go practice occult rituals in the outcast clubroom" or something along those lines, no joke! Though Y/N was rather excited and decided that they wanted to give rachel a chance, they said that they wanted to tag along to see what happens! I told rachel about this and as much as she didn't really like the idea all that much, she accepted.

Anyways, we all arrived at the park, Y/N and i stood behind a nearby bush with our binoculars, microphones and other equipment, "remember what i told you!" I reminded rachel, rachel sighed, "uhh...okay....are you sure this will work?" She asked i smile, "of course! Now go! Stephanie's coming!" I responded before both me and Y/N swiftly hid behind the bush and rachel walked up to stephanie, i pulled out my binoculars and watched from afar, so far so good...albiet a bit of a rocky start, from what i could hear they were talking about their favorite BTS song, there were some disagreements and a bit of bickering so i tried to do something about "quick! Change the subject before things get worse! Talk about global warming or like, the stuff you bought yesterday or something!" I whisper-shouted into the mic, and thus they started taking about something else like that whole arguement never happened, i looked down to Y/N to see they were watching the office on their phone! "Y/N what are you doing? You can't be watching the office at this time! This is serious bid'niss!" I whisper-shouted angerly, Y/N looked up to me with a confused look on their face "what else would i be doing? I might as well just watch my favorite show!" They quietly responded, i sigh, "could you at least turn off your phone and like, take notes or something?" I ask, Y/N exits netflix, "okay...fine...." and immediantly opened spotify and put on the ratatouille soundtrack! "How about i put some some of my favorite music while i take notes?"

I sigh, "not any better but fine..." i responded, i looked back up to see rachel walking up to us and stephanie walking away! Rachel looked to her side and waited until it was safe to speak, then she started talking so fast and so loudly i legit flinched a little. "Oh. Em. Gee thank you SO much! You're so awesome! I finally told her how i felt and you won't get this...she said she knew it all along but didn't want to show it because she was bi and in the closet! Oh em gee thank you so much for your help!!!" She basically rapped, i smiled as my septiplier-shaped heart began to overheat and melt,'s first thank you!"You're very very welcome! I'm glad i could help" i said, i still hated that bitch's guts, her other body parts too! But i still appreciated this nice little moment, "i'm gonna come out to lexis tomarrow!" Rachel announced, "see you soon!"

I watched rachel walk away and i looked down to Y/N who seems to have not noticed a thing! "Hey dude, it's time to leave, the lesbians are dating now" i told them, Y/N looked up to me angerly, "GOD DAMN IT ASHA YOU JUST MADE ME MISS THE BEST PART OF THE SONG!!!" They shouted, i chuckle, "heh...sorry! Now let's get out of here before we get disintegrated by big lion's laser eyes!" I reply, Y/N sighs, "k...i guess we should pack up.." they say, we pack our equipment and start walking down the sidewalk right behind rachel and stephanie, i look around, it's such a nice afternoon...a bit cold though, i would've worn longer socks if the author of this story didn't give a shit about making my design consistant because y'know...i'm a drawing and that.... y'know for a generic wattpad book protagonist i sure do look quirky, like and white hair? A mainly red and blue color scheme? LAVA LAMP EYES!?!?!? For fucks sake, i look more like some 10-year-old's shitty anime OC from mid-2000's deviantart than a wattpad book protagonist! Oh dear...i've broke the 4th wall for a moment there, sorry about that...anyway i looked to Y/N and noticed something rather peculiar, "ummm...Y/N? Why do you have a nokia?" I ask, how did i not notice this before? "Because i HATE smartphones! They're just so portable and conveniant! UGHHHH!!!" Y/N replied angerly, i raised an eyebrow..."h-how were you able to access netflix and spotify then?" I ask, Y/N smiles, "easy, i got it modified" they respond, i giggle a little, " d-d-do yo-...hahahaha DO YOU HAVE THE ARABIC MUSIC AS YOUR RINGTONE!?!?!?" i ask before bursting into laughter, omg i've been wanting to ask this to a nokia user for so long it's almost scary! "That's such a dumb question ashe......OF COURSE I DO!!!!" Y/N responds and we both laughed so hard that we got stomach cramps, hiccups and teary eyes

Hey guys, thanks for reading, the next chapter is the second-to-last one, ngl i'm getting kinda nervous about ending this story...this is the most fun i've had writing a story in a while and i don't want it to end, like seriously! Writing this elaborate shitpost is my ketamine! Anyways, will update soon...goodbye :3

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