I Was Once Her Everything | Chapter 36

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After that drink, Chaeyoung ordered tequila shots. Shay had told her that it was the best drinks to get if you wanted to get wasted.

"Let's compete," Shay said, looking at the tipsy girl in front of him. "Losers will do anything that the winner says for tonight."

Chaeyoung hiccuped, smiling at the man, "Bring it on."

He prepared the drinks. Each person had 6 shots. Chaeyoung smirked at Shay, indicating that he'll lose.

One the count of three, they both chugged the shots down. Chaeyoung lived for the burn in her throat with each drink and she knew that she was starting to grow heavy. She knew very well how this night would go down; she'd either wake up in a foreign bedroom with her clothes on or without.

That thought made her lip twitch against the glass cup. The regret started to kick in when she downed her last cup, her whole body feeling so numb and warm at the same time.

She looked up to see that Shay had finished before her and she pouted, "Don't bully me, I just fell out of love a few months ago." Chaeyoung smiled, intoxicated by the alcohol in her system. That smile turned into a laugh. She had no idea what she was laughing at, but she just continued.

Maybe the idea of her and Lisa made her laugh so hard. She had no idea.

Shay rubbed his stubble, as if thinking of a question. Chaeyoung blinked, the heat in her body growing each second. It was so hot that she felt like she could just walk naked.

"Did you come here to drink away your sorrows?" Shay asked, clearing the cups.

Such a simple 'yes' or 'no' question, and yet it got Chaeyoung's whirl of a brain to take such a long time to reply. She didn't know if it was because of the presence of alcohol or was it because she actually didn't know why she wanted to come and drink.

The blonde smiled, "Hmm.. both yes and no." She hiccuped again before speaking, "Why'd you wanna know? Are you thinking of something bad?" A small smirk made its way across Chaeyoung's lips as she thought of it.

"No," Shay said firmly. "I wouldn't take advantage of girls like that," he elaborated.

Chaeyoung chuckled, "Calm down tiger. All I did was ask, don't get all feisty." Then she felt as though someone speared her head, but it was just the feeling of too much alcohol. "Hey could you get me another drink? I want something super heavy so I can forget my name tonight!"

Shay shook his head at the girl in front of him. Such a beautiful girl, but yet so vulnerable. He knew immediately that he should take care of her tonight even though he would be crazy busy.

Yes, he does have quite a liking on Chaeyoung, but they barely just met. He liked the way she presented herself and her energy, but he was not that kind of guy.

After he finished preparing the drink, he served it to Chaeyoung, looking to the other bartender who came to help when there were huge crowds. Chaeyoung realised that there was another bartender and that it was a female one. Her brain immediately thought of something stupid.

"Ooh, Shay has a girlfriend," Chaeyoung teased, taking a sip of the drink that burned her throat. Even though she sounded sober and all, but she was so close to being drunk. The shots really did something to her.

Shay sighed exasperated as the female bartender with a side shave frowned in disgust. Chaeyoung felt the masculinity of the female bartender and she blinked oddly, trying to figure out if the bartender was straight.

"Chaeyoung," Shay called out nervously, rubbing his neck oddly as if Chaeyoung said something wrong. "Alex has a girlfriend."

Then realisation hit Chaeyoung. Alex was a lesbian!

She broke into a hysterical laugh, which made both the bartenders puzzled.

"Well," Chaeyoung spoke. "I was once her everything too Alex."

The emotions started to flow in. Chaeyoung could slowly feel the sadness overwhelming her. But the alcohol made her feel so high that she could barely acknowledge the sadness. Chaeyoung smiled again, "I'm just kidding, I was never her everything." The girl broke into a quiet laugh as she took a big gulp from her drink.

Shay sighed worriedly. He had no idea what would happen to Chaeyoung if he didn't keep his eyes on her, but yet he was so busy.

"Hey remember our deal? You have to do everything I say now," Shay said, brushing Alex away so she would go and prepare drinks instead. "What happened with your ex-lover?"

Chaeyoung finished the last bit of the drink and looked at Shay groggily, "Oh? Lisa?" She paused, burping inwardly because of the alcohol. "Ahaha, we broke up."

"No shit," Shay muttered under his breath.

Chaeyoung blinked to clear her blurry vision, "My mom died from cancer. Lisa knew how much I hated cancer, the word the illness, whatever." Then Chaeyoung went quiet again, as if she was sleeping with her back straight in a seated position, but this headache was splitting her brain into 2.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call you a cab home?" the bartender asked out of concern.

Chaeyoung laughs, "She told me she has cancer Shay." Silence fell between the two.

Chaeyoung was actually thinking of the situation if she actually stayed behind. She knew how much she would've cared for Lisa. She would have followed her to every session of her therapy, doctor's appointment, jabs, everything. She would have been Lisa's pillar of support and emotional strength. She would have gave everything up for her.

But she didn't. She chose to turn a blind eye to whatever Lisa presented. After all, Lisa did lie to Chaeyoung.

"She lied," Chaeyoung said again, breaking the silence. "She wanted to use a stupid excuse for lying to me."

Shay pondered. Nobody lies about this. But he didn't want to pry, because who knows. After tonight, Chaeyoung would regret telling a stranger so much.

"Don't you have to work tomorrow?" Shay questioned the girl, taking the empty cup from her.

Chaeyoung shook her head, "My boss gave me a week's leave so I could take a break. He thinks I've been working too hard."

She then orders another drink. And that's how the night went for her. Drink after drink.

Until she forgot her consciousness.

That sure sounds bad. But physical pain was definitely worse than being intoxicated.

Lisa laid one bed, face soaked by tears. The pain in her body; more specifically her chest was causing her so much distress that she could not even close her eyes to rest.

The feeling of a heated knife stabbing you over and over again. She obviously could not bare the immense agony. The girl could barely sit up on her bed, after much struggle.

Her painkillers weren't far. They were just across the room on her table.

She told herself that she was stronger than this and it was just 5 steps away. As soon as she tried to stand, the pain intensified. Then it hit her.

She forgot to take her medicine before 11pm.

Wailing, she stretches up the table to reach for her medicine; her chest slumped on the ground as she sighed in pain.

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