# 𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊. "couples" quarrel *requested

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Ruòlán wasn't one that got angry often, Soobin wasn't really that way either and out of everyone they got along the best so it was hard to imagine them getting into a bad argument. But that's exactly what happened.

It started at practice.

Ruòlán was tired and out of it. She kept dazing in and out and she just wanted to sleep. She tried to snap out of it but nothing was working, that alone was putting her in a bad mood.

Then there was Soobin, he was fine the first few times he needed to correct Ruòlán or tell her to focus. It got annoying after a while and it starting putting him in a bad mood as well.

"Jesus" Ruòlán hissed under her breath as she tripped over her feet once again.

"You know what let's just take a break" Soobin sighed placing his head in his hands.

Ruòlán turned to grab her water bottle that was resting on the floor, fanning herself a bit with her hands. Although she hadn't been doing as much as the boys she was still exhausted.

"I need to talk to you" Soobin whispered to Ruòlán making her look at him.

"What?" She whispered back to him.

"Just come" He said grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards the door.

Ruòlán sighed some and leaned against the hallway wall when the two of them were outside the practice room. She already knew what this conversation was gonna be about and she wasn't excited about it one bit.

"What's wrong with you?!" Soobin asked her his tone angrier than it normally was.

"I'm just tired. I told you this earlier" She shrugged.

"Everyone's tired you can't use that as an excuse"

"It's not an excuse. I'm. Tired" Ruòlán said starting to get a bit fed up.

Soobin took a breath in feeling himself starting to get more fed up as well "Get your act together cause we all worked hard to get here and we can't have you slowing us down alright"

Ruòlán crossed her arm and rolled her eyes a bit "Yeah, I got it. Don't talk to me like I'm stupid cause I know perfectly well that we worked hard to get here. You could at least cut me some slack"

"I cut you slack an hour and a half ago! If you weren't a girl maybe you'd stop day dreaming and start working" Soobin snapped at her.

He obviously didn't mean it, both of them knew that he only said it cause he was angry. At least both of them would know it later. But in the moment with them both so high on their nerves, those words blew Rūolán's top off.

Instead of replying at that point she turned back to the practice room. The others glanced to her and Soobin as they both came back in, wondering what had happened and why they both seemed so upset.

They had to continue practicing though, they had one more hour left and they couldn't waste it. It was obvious though, that Ruòlán and Soobin were mad at each other. Every little thing was bothering them at this point.

"Center yourself for the last time!" Soobin told Ruòlán.

"I am centered! The lines here and I am clearly on that line!" Ruòlán said back to him.

"Well I'm watching you from up here and you're clearly not on the line"

"I'm leaving"

"What? You can't leave" Yeonjun spoke up.

"You'll be fine without my day dreaming getting in the way of your actual work" Ruòlán said packing up her things angrily "I'm just gonna go out and grow and dick to match you guys!"

The guys watch as she stormed out before looking at Soobin who wasn't shocked like the rest of them but shaking his head in annoyance.

"What happened out there?"

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