My Future Dear seems so far; Father, will You help me?

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(A Cry for Comfort)

Help me Father, to bear what You have anointed
Namely, the Yoke in my youth
If the seed that I bear, be sown in tears
May it ultimately reap a harvest of joy
If I should struggle, fight, and scream against the pain
Yet the fruit of righteousness mixed with peace
May such in the end I gain
If I should be the last and the least

Sometimes when I feel my future wife's love
Or catch a glimpse of her smiling face
My soul weeps inside to think it will be ere long
Before our hearts should fully touch in Your grace
Yet Father, may I not doubt of anything that is to come
For You are the author of every single life
Our days, like the span of Your hand, they are summed
And Your will prepares their place in time
You are Delight

My Future Dear seems so far
Father, will You help me?
The road I have asked seems distant
And the work of a man is hard
Thoughts I want to take delight in
But the morning is passing and the noon has come
Through our God we shall do valiantly
And our righteousness shall be revealed like the full strength of the Sun
I will toil Father; but not to earn this precious jewel
Whoever thinks he can earn this gift is naïve or a fool
I will toil and prepare; to receive this gift in hand
She will come in Your delightful will and plan


Till then, what promises can I receive from the Lord?
The riches of His glory in His loving-kindness toward us
What we constantly lose in our weakness; He ten-fold restores
And only asks that in His love and plan; we would trust
As humans, we constantly lose
As His follower, I acknowledge it all
He will surround me with His loving arms
To take the seventh fall
Though I am clay and have passed through the fire unharmed
Even then, He will not make me shatter
Nor my soul to come to alarm
What promises can I receive from the Lord?
His goodness and infinite love and power
He has in His treasuries and hoards?
May the imperfect tongue of this young man
Be used by You Father, for Your glory
Though I am one, alone I do not stand
I will be used by You to tell others
One of a myriad stories
The story of Your power, protection, love, and victory over me
I tried to face the charge head on
And with palm outstretched as if to block the oncoming Light
Though I stood on His Rock
And could not be shaken by the terrors of this World
Yet His whisper was sufficient
To drive me to my knees
And His Light overtook me
Providing for my every need

“Many a time they have afflicted me from my youth,”
Let God's people now say
“Many a time they have afflicted me from my youth
Yet they have not prevailed against me
The plowers plowed on my back
They made their furrows long
The Lord is righteous
I have been made into His song
Let all those who hate Zion
Be turned back and put to shame
Let them be as the grass on the housetops
Which withers before it grows up
With which the reaper does not fill his hand
Nor he who binds sheaves, his arms
Let it be that he does not know nor understand
What it is to sow in tears and reap in joy
Let him go down to his forefathers in peace and in wealth
For riches numb our wonderful need to hear God's voice
Answering to our cry

To depend upon my Father
Is not for the sake of adventure
My soul would as easily be done with it and have it that He send her
I will ask and pray n'er every day
And all the while, on the Lord, I will wait
My soul rejoices to hear the voice of our Father
To hear Him answering me when I call; whenever I cry
To have His arms surround me, amidst a thousand troubles
A thousand troubles, that may not to Him, yet still surround Him
Demanding His attention and need
Yet He is not a God that is dismayed nor distracted
When my soul feels alone
And my heart so eager to fill His place
He surrounds me with His loving arms
And answers my doubt with His grace
Will anyone hear?
Will anyone see?
Will there be anyone who understands?
To feel and relate in loving friendship and fellowship
The anxiety and feelings that I feel?
My soul, let it alone; my Father feels for me
And knows me
Return to your rest, O my soul
For the Lord has dealt bountifully
He remembers my frame and remembers I am dust
In His love, power, and plan for and in me
I will trust
“For behold, the Lord has laid in Zion; a stone
A stone, a tried stone, a cornerstone; a sure foundation
That whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame”

God did not create this hunger in me
Only to leave me in torment and unsatisfied
He bids all with such hunger, to merely open their mouth
That He might fill it with good things
He satisfies the hunger of every living thing
And gives them their food in due season
May we not be like His people in past generations
Who would not listen nor give heed to His tender voice
Israel, who would have none of Him
Therefore He gave them over to their own stubborn heart
To walk and be filled
With their own counsels
He calls us, that we would listen and trust in Him
That we, as Israel, would walk in His ways
That He may soon subdue our enemies
Doubt, anger, and fear
And turn His hand against our adversaries
The haters of our God pretend submission to Him
But their fate will endure forever
If not, He would have fed them with the finest of wheat
And with honey from the rock, He would have satisfied them
Let us not be like them
But listen and trust in His ways
From His own mouth, He has said, “I am near to all who call upon Me
To all who call upon Me in truth
I will fulfill the desire of those who fear Me
And will hear their cry and save them
I preserve all who love Me
But all the wicked, I will destroy”
My mouth shall speak praise of the Lord, forever
And all flesh shall bless His holy name
Forever and ever


I cry out to You with my voice
With my voice I make supplication to You
I pour out my complaint before You, Father
I declare all my trouble
When my spirit was overwhelmed within me
Then You knew my path; the way in which I walk
Refuge has failed me
No one cares for my soul
There is no one who acknowledges me

I cry to You, O Lord
You are my refuge!
My portion in the land of the living
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Your name
The righteous shall surround me
For You shall deal bountifully with me

I remember the days of old
I meditate on all Your works
I muse on the work of Your hands
And I spread out my hands to You
And like a thirsty land, my soul longs for You
As a deer that pants for the water
So my soul thirsts for God, the living God
Answer me speedily, Father!
My spirit fails!
Do not hide Your face from me
Lest I be like those who go down Despair's pit
The lying pit, a pit with no end to despair and sickness
Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning
For in You do I trust
Cause me to know the way in which I should walk
As I lift up my soul to You
In You I take shelter
Teach me to do Your will
For You are my God
Your Spirit is good
Lead me in the land of uprightness
And revive me for Your name's sake
For Your righteousness' sake, bring my soul out of trouble
Though my soul walk in the midst of it
You will revive me
Against the wrath of my enemies
Your right hand will save me

“I will perfect that which concerns you
My Mercy endures forever
I will not forsake the works of My hands”

I am Your work, Father
Being made and purposed for completion
Do not forsake me, nor Your work in me
Perfect that which concerns me
My wife; Your good work
Prepare her and bring her to completion in the day that is Your's

My Future Dear, You will be from the Lord
I love you until and beyond the end of that time
Comfort me Father, and strengthen me to be strong for her
Keep my every heart, motive and way pure before You
And help me to delight to do Your will
For Your way is good

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