Goodbye, my Dear; we will meet again

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A Letter of Faith and Future Fulfilled; A Poem


What words can I express
To describe how much I’m blessed
My Dear
I used to look to you from God
As my Future
But now I have embarked on a new one

I am not going to pretend
It is possible for letters to be sent
From Heaven; after one dies
Leaving this gift of life behind
For that of a fuller life

So I write this letter in faith
Beforehand in His grace
Though my heart fails to think
It remains an unfulfilled dream
The truth is that it is a hope
That was never deffered
But has become fulfilled
And a greater picture beyond that
Which I have seen or heard

My Dear that I used to refer as my Future
Do not weep for me, and for you likewise
Though I am gone from this life
I have only lost the tears; not God’s compassion
And I wish almost to have stayed behind
If it would have made you more happy and fortunate

My Dear, I do not cease because of ill-will
Ceased from calling you, “My Future Dear”
For all pain has released me and all joy, fulfilled
No longer is it hidden but rather I see it clear
My heart breaks here on earth writing about this
Yet there in God’s presence, experiencing His bliss
I have only tender joy and a most ardent wish
That you will join me soon

O the joy and the beauty
I see it all now!
The veil is now gone
All burdens laid down!
My Future has become eternity
In the presence of my Savior
And He is more beautiful
Beyond all His created nature!

You were but a facet
A reflection of that beauty
And here on earth I could only wish
We could have fulfilled that
Yet still, it is fulfilled for me
For this was all mankind’s calling
Who would believe in the One
Who would keep them from falling

O I see it all now
Faith has been fulfilled
And no longer must I bear
The weight of Flesh, deceived
Truly, blessed are those who have not seen
And yet, believe

Is my joy greater than that
Of the apostles who lived in His presence
Perhaps so, for this is what
I have had to look forward to
Though you were my prayer and in my sights
All the while

My heart there on earth was torn
While writing you this departing letter
But now no tears and never worn
For this life and future is for the better
I could only walk in faith
Though there with or from you
I could not understand or see
And yet hold on that Christ
Is the greatest beauty

Oh my love, He is truly my Present and Future
I do not cast you aside
For though I have lost my tears
His tender compassion I have not lost
But rather grown more to hold
A sacred treasure He anoints on you
And I can only smile and be filled with joy
We will meet again soon

For the life down there was just temporary
An introduction to the book of our eternity
And that life was not the end
But fulfilled by God’s purpose
To prepare us to receive
A seed of holiness so fervent

Our love for one another
So short and yet not ended
For there is still eternity to enjoy
What God has protected
No more can sin touch me
And no more will sin touch you
When you join all of us
Gathered here in His presence

Yet, I would not call you away
From that life, now to me, so gray
For His purpose and calling are such
If He were to take you
From that needed experience
It would not be as great a love

My time has come
But your’s is not yet
So I cannot but wait
For that time which is set
Time has no hold here
No longer am I held by sin
Or its dreaded weight ever so near

I could only describe
In these faintest terms
My spirit is free
And my soul is light
Stripped of it all
One would think I am naked and bare
Yet this is the treasure that laid within
Because of our Savior
His perfect righteousness, shared

Do not weep for me
All is fulfilled
No longer an empty cup
Do I wait to have filled
I am in the Fountain
As He is in you
He is surely mighty
Faithful and True

My Dear, as I have said before
Now do I cease calling you “My Future”
Because as much as I love you
Worlds beyond worlds
Books would be endless and never suffice
Yet it is but small compared to the love
I have lived for all my life

And only because of His grace
In drawing me near
Now do I see Him face to face
And He is my greatest Dear
He is my Present and my Future
If time were possible here

I do not cast you aside
Nor have lost any compassion
I have only lost the tears
And have become perfected
Into His likeness and tender passion

Truly, nothing moves Him
He sits steadfastly on His throne
His Spirit filling all and moving all
Every time He acts
All His saints sense it
And it is only because of fallen flesh
We often down there, did not feel it

His love I describe to faintly fathom
Is like an ocean boundless
There is no end to it
And this is one of many hopes
And even more, assurances
That He has for you
Truly, you breathe His air
His presence, His Spirit
There is nowhere man can go
But that He isn’t there

My life has been fulfilled
And my joy made full
I cannot trade or go back
It’s worth is beyond gold
And it is only be grace
That I see Him face to face
No privilege of mine
Or efforts of my hand
Have brought me into
His pleasant land

I am not worthy
And surely when I first entered, I cried
Time had no hold
And I do not know how long I sorrowed
Yet in the feeling of a moment
He wiped my tears away
Filling my mouth with His praise
And making me to no longer
Be afraid

What words I have now
He has better, for you
Wait on Him
And He will answer soon

Your hope and faith in the unseen
Is Heaven’s assurance for real
It is truly tangible
And I can now grasp it to feel
As Thomas touched the Savior’s scars
Now I touch them too
Goodbye, my Dear
He is ever near
We will meet again

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