To my Father and Future Dear; at an empty park bench

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I know Father, You have prepared a godly wife for me
For You as our Father give good gifts to Your children
She is somewhere out there; O, help my soul to believe
That You know and hold her, though from my eyes she's hidden

Prepare me to be the future husband she needs me to be
And prepare her to be the future wife I need her to be
May our love for You be greater than anything in this life
Greater than her love for her husband or this husband for his wife

Without faith it's impossible to please You
When our sight is more certain than Your truth
Nothing can change, stop, or hinder Your plan
Nothing can pluck my future dear out from Your hand

Time, You control; the One, You've appointed
And perfect will be the meeting You have anointed
Not too soon nor too late, You will bring us together
To be a living foretelling of Your bond with us, forever

Save us from presumption or quickening in haste
Please grant us discernment and help us to wait
You will not fail us, nor let us utterly fall
May it be Your voice that awakens, Your love that calls

Help me as a single man, on You to be focused
To let You bring in Your time the One You have chosen
I have pursued many times and far; now help me to rest
It is on You my Father to choose what time You will bless

May I find complete satisfaction in gazing on Your face
That You might be my all; then marriage will have its pure place
May I not forget but grow in this: To love is to serve
And that her heart is a gift; not one I'm entitled to or earn

I am here for her and she is out there for me
In Your hands, we rest; You will watch and keep
Perfect will be Your appointed time; grant us discernment to wait
Prepare and grow us both until You bring us close, Your love to partake

When You draw us close together and our imperfections are revealed
May we place our hope in You; and not fear to be united and sealed
For You are our sovereign Father, faithful in redemption
Our hearts' storms and fire You will use to purify us closer
Towards Your righteous perfection

As she and I pray these things, though to each other unknown
The truth that we share a Father, comforts; we are not alone
Though we walk separated through life; the future, unable to fathom
You have assured You will do abundantly above all that we ask
Or even imagine

Blessed are You, O Father God!
Teach us Your statutes!


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