To My Future Dear Beside Me; A Prayer

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My Future Dear
You are the delight of my head
And the joy of my crown
Let us trust in Him
And believe what He has said

Once I wrote of you to my Father
How you seemed so far away
So I made my need known to Him
And cried out to Him and prayed
Long its been and seasons pass
Alone, yet not alone with the Father
His faithful plan to fulfill, I cannot grasp
Though I don't sense it
He draws me closer
He draws us closer

I now write to you again
With these thoughts in mind
That I would share with you, my Future Friend
The excellent one whom I'll find
And that God shall reveal
Remember how I wrote of you to my Father
How you seemed so far away
And lately it occurs to me that you may be close
My strong Pillar and my unfading Rose

It is my thought, encouragement, and hope
That perhaps God would bring greater fruit from us
And that you and I should surrender our lives
And commit to Him our trust
That He would grow us more
That we may be more beautiful in His eyes
And mature and bear more fruit
Stars in their full strength
His full Love in our lives!

Let us therefore not despair
Though we struggle with doubt
We must cast on God our cares
For He will encompass us round about
Perhaps He would have me grow more
Prior to opening this closed door
I know I need to learn more of His strength
Though you and I stand, oblivious
At arm's length

We will know each other
Only when He chooses to reveal
It is in Love our Sovereign Father, hides and conceals
And it is our glory
To seek each other out

Joy shall not disappoint
When His children put their trust in Him
They shall surely shout for joy
Because He defends them

Though it is in winter that we stand
Our branches of their leaves made bare
Cool embers of faith His Spirit shall fan
And be our comfort in the storm
And the whisper of a prayer
Our hearts for one another, God has blessed
Our hearts for each other He's made
He knows and heals our pain and distress
He shall surely save

There is fruit to be grown in us
The trial He anoints on us, in faith
He remembers that we are dust
And He will give us grace
There is a reason He has put us through His fire
So that He could cultivate us to endure
That He might grow in us our unseen desire
And our hearts to grow and our love made pure

The waiting is hard for me
And I pray the Lord will give us eyes to see
Whether we sit in silence or whether we grieve
We must trust He is tenderly leading
In His Spirit, take my hand
And pray this prayer with me
Let us not lose heart but believe
We shall see His goodness in the land of the living

Father, pour out Your grace on us we ask
Mercies to trust in You
Help us to commit our hearts into Your hands
And know that You have for us a better plan
Your promises never fail us, O Lord
Teach us to consider our days
The righteous shall not go without reward
But shall surely be destined to give You praise
Till that time, may we continue on
Continue on in Your song
You are with us alone and together
Separated till then, You will keep us strong

And I ask You Father, as her Future Husband
I ask that You would look on me and comfort me
Be my Strength, Comfort, and Help
Save me from my doubt and help my unbelief
She is the half of me that I long for
The other part that makes my soul
I will believe that in time, You will open the door
And through her, it is You
Who shall make us whole

My Future Dear
Let us commit to Him this fate
And on His timing let us await
He will keep what we have committed to Him
Until that Day
Though we are near or far away; on the horizon
Or at arm's length

Till then, my Future Dear
Let us wait in this season
Let us not be dismayed nor fear
For to this trial there is a reason
He would have us grow in our fruits
And mature in our buds and boughs
The wheat is not forever beaten
Nor the soil forever plowed
He has a reason for us to wait
Greater fruits and beauty to cultivate
Know this in the cry and hope we share
That He has not forgotten
And that He is there

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