Hot chocolate for Two~ I pray for you, my Future Dear

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My Future Wife,

It is Thursday at Starbucks here
And I bought a hot chocolate for you
I decided to not go with coffee
Because last time it kept me till two
I wish you were here
To have a hot chocolate with me
As I look outside, I know somewhere
You're out there
And someday I will see
That God's plan is truly beautiful
In the Father there is no need
But to look to Him every day
This is the beauty that keeps my heart
The melody that plays this harp
As much as He is there, you are there
And it is a comfort, my Future Fair
A comfort that even in this
I can pray for you
So I have set an alarm for six
To remind me every evening to pray for you
I agree with my Father
That I am not ready for you
Yet I pray that if it be His will
I would find you soon
The Father sits with me
And He is with you, too
We live under the same sky
The same sun, the same moon
We both have the same Father
Oh how He must be smiling on us
Today and each day
He will grow you and I
And hear us when we pray
I hope you're praying for me
That God would grow me more
That I would have a heart
And hunger in Him, assured
My Future Dear, these are one
Of many thoughts that I am moved
They move my heart to tears, to think
Of how greater are His thoughts for you
And for me
These are not tears of sadness
These are tears of inarticulate joy
A peace that can't be explained
No pen can capture; no poet could employ
I gaze at one facet
That He has lovingly revealed to me
I pray each day at six
That as God watches
He would reveal Himself to thee
This is what I pray
For you, my Future Dear; today
Should you see this as a flare
Or should He bring it to you, hidden
On the wings of prayer
It will be well
If not a hope to cherish and treasure, always
I pray and speak this in faith
May He bless you, my Future Dear

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