To My Beautiful Sister and my Father; the Author of Beauty

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Nothing in me qualifies
Of my own makes me deserve your love
Nothing wholly clean in me lies
That could receive this gift from above

Though I find you
I could not claim you
O the grace and beauty He has made
On the Lord, I will wait

Nothing in me deserves your love
My Future Dear, I will never be enough
My Future Dear, pray that I would see
How much for God my heart needs

Father, make me strong to remember
Your promises and my dependence
Establish Your truth and grace forever
Extend Your blessing to my descendants

As I despair that I'm filthy and forgotten
You faithfully and mercifully reveal
That my heart once rebel and rotten
You have claimed, treasured, and healed

Long has it been
Since I looked on Your promises
Though I had left
I was still of Your children

In hope and hunger, I've come back
Drawn by Your tender Spirit to see what I lack
By Your mercies, I am rich in life
Whether rich or poor, I am Your's
And You are mine

Sister, I am yours also if you would have me
If you could make room for this imperfect man, redeemed
I cannot claim or force; I can only ask
Unto God, I will trust and hold fast

May He give me grace to sleep
And however long to rest in Him
To grow and not to weep
May His love cultivate and abound deep within

You are such a precious jewel
That only God can move
And if in the end
We were not meant for each other
You will still be my sister
And I will be your brother

Father, bless her and keep her
And cause Your face to shine on her
Certainly You have heard me
And have attended to the voice of my prayer

Raise up for her a godly, handsome man
Whose sole desire would be for You
One she could cherish; at his side, stand
In Your love to grow deep their roots

Be with her
She is Your's
And by Your Word, sanctify
And make her pure
She points me to You
A living picture of Your love and tenderness
I will seek and wait on You

Blessed are You, O Lord
Teach us Your statutes!

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