Dreams of My Future Dear

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(A Poem of Praise)

In dreams I dreamed of your sweet tenderness
A comfort in the rough edges of this world
God stood o'er me
Reminding me of His promises
He will be faithful to His Word

He has filled my heart with a sweet song
His oil balms me with a mysterious passion
My heart is awakened; He will go above and beyond
And do more than I asked for or imagined

In dreams I dreamed of a hidden face
A love that touched me sweet and fair
Your love that channeled through her grace
Reminded me that she is truly there

The sweetness of this dream is fading fast
Slipping underneath the lid of my memory's clasp
Yet though the rain passes
It leaves a blessing
Causing comfort to fill my resting

And as I dream these dreams, O Lord
I ask You to help me be faithful to Your Word
To not flirt with her or to hurt
What You are doing
Your Eternal Work

O Father, who deserves such a being?
Created from Your hand; she's dancing and singing!
O imperfect man, I look to You!
For pride ever mars what has been renewed!

Her image is made to reflect Your beauty
O grant and give me eyes to see
To not trust in her or to idolize
But that we would commit to You
Both our lives

Dreams that I was dreaming
And am losing yet You know
You remember clearly
What You have shown

Though I lose it from my mind
This prudent wife will I find
A strong kind heart
And a graceful doe
Whom I'll stand o'er watch
With my harp and bow

Snares of eternity!
Baited in lust!
They display themselves as things!
Yet this is not Love!

Footsteps that tread
On the broad and wide!
Never won her heart
In power or in pride!

O strong men there have been
Who used their strength in lies!
Temporary guild their sin
Only to burst it forth in pride!

Father save me from being such a man
Who disguises himself in displayed humility!
Let Your light expose my robes for filthy rags
That I might wear true ones
Thy Grace and Purity!

O Your Grace that cleanses my heart
And fills me with Your Spirit's breath
Faith has quenched the fiery darts
And You have delivered my soul from death

Vows made to You, O God, are binding upon me
I render praise to You!
Have You not kept my feet from falling
That I may walk before You
In the land of the living?

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God
Truly, how great is the sum of them!
If I was to number, they'd be more than the sand
None who trust in You shall be condemned

My life will praise Your salvation yet more and more
And I will hope continually
I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only
I do not know their numbers or limits
Like the sand on Your shores


Oh, these dreams that I have dreamed
That fill me with Your peace
That You would come and show
Your Love to the least

As I remember her tenderness, Father
I ask that I would be tender in turn
That I would treat and treasure her
As my sister, Your daughter
And Your timing and discipline
I would not spurn

With Your cords of love, draw me
May I be inescapably knit
And when this world comes
With its glory and charms; let Your Spirit move to say
“She is the only One, I want to be with”

I praise You, O God
For Your work in me is not done!
You are sanctifying and growing
This Your adopted son!
Delivered from darkness
To the pursuit of Delight
For it is in Your children You will reflect
Our love with that of Jesus Christ's


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