A Fast from Visiting

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-The Unseen Hand of Love (October 6-7 & 31-? 2015) [written in while I was in Cebu, Philippines]

Would you still love and trust me
Though I walk unseen?
When I left for a time, my friend
Could you wait and trust
I'd come and see you again?

It is hard for me to go away
When I have so much still to say
Could you trust and could you pray
That I will come for you one day?

I can't help but not depend
Upon myself or upon you my friend
I would come again to your place
But now is the time to fast and pray

Trust God and upon Him wait
He shall not put you to shame
"Though it seems like I've gone and left
I have promised; and I do not forget"

My Love is present and is always here
It can't be broken so never fear
What blesses us does not come by chance
Nor is love dependent on our present circumstance

The love and blessing that I am given
Whenever I am with you there
Is the same love and blessing, present
When I'm alone in prayer

Distance can separate us
But not the love between us
A hidden cord connects us
I know and can feel it
It cannot be broken or removed
That cord is His Spirit

Whatever amount of love and care
I have for you
Please know that His is greater
It is pure and true

I see God calling me
To grow by taking this test
Resting to believe
His ways are the best

God works among us
Often with a hand unseen
Will we still love and trust?
And His faithfulness, believe?

Though for a time
Some things must come to an end
Know that in winter
Spring will come again

In these times of emptiness, reflect
How God still works for His elect
The arm of flesh will fail the hope of man
But surrender to His call
And He'll fulfill His plan

As God calls me to a time of wilderness
And puts me to the test
He is also there with us in our loneliness
To show and prove Himself

As we are separated for a season
And God calls on us to wait
Know that He empties us for a reason
So we might grow in our faith

Though I sorrow
And feel ashamed
God will be present in this fire
And prove that He sustains

He will lift up my face
And cause tears to shed no more
But will unveil His grace
And wonderful will be what He has in store

In emptiness and loneliness
God holds us with unseen hands of love
Not prolonged will be the test
Yet sufficient to remind that He is enough

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