A Prayer to my Future Dear Family

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(A Prayer for Nehemiah and my Future Dear)

Prayer of prayers


Father, You have guided and answered me in past ages
Guide me through these prayers 
Though Your Spirit seems quiet and all around the struggle rages
Help me to remember; You are always there

Only You Father can take what is imperfect
And use it as a blessing and a testimony 
The weak and the humble is Your will and purpose
To tell of Your power in all history

Help me to delight to do Thy Will, O God 

May the words of my mouth
And the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord
My Strength
And my Redeemer



A Prayer for Nehemiah, my son

Here is our son, Father
You have placed him in our arms
May we remember that You are the Giver
And the Creator of his heart

Here he is, Father, with us
Nehemiah is the name we've given Him
Anoint and save him to walk before You
To flee temptation and be hardened to sin 

Father, this is the name we've anointed him with 
We ask that, to this name, he would live it out 
That above all things, even family, his heart would be knit
To You; being faithful towards his wife
And drinking from his own fount 

Father, we understand
And yet, O please help us to understand and remember
That he is imperfect like his parents
That Your tender grace towards him is steadfast and forever 

Father, use us parents; my wife and I
To be vessels of Your grace, outpoured on our son
Teach and guide us from the way of pride 
That Your will in this family be done 

Father, You have led us to giving him this name
“Nehemiah”, meaning, “Jehovah consoles”
May He be an instrument in Your hand to repair the gap
A balm in Your hand to repair men's souls

May You reveal and lead him in Your ways 
Keep him strong in Thy Truth 
And when he falls, may he not despair 
But know You are his Father
Even in his youth

May he not despair when he falls 
But cast himself on your rock
Grant me Your sustaining strength to teach
Love and hope with Your staff and rod

The hardships that he will experience
Truly they will bring a peaceable fruit of righteousness
Surely when he is pruned and in trial
He will come forth as gold from Your fire

Father, help me to be the leader that he needs me to be
In all relationships, may I not live by what I think or see
You were merciful to me, the same in my youth 
Sanctify me by Your Truth; Your Word is Truth

O Father, in heaven! This father cries out to you!
By myself and all that I am, I do not have what it takes
To be the father I am supposed to be!
So my heart and my hands are lifted to You
For as I look up, my chains fall off
For Your Truth has set me free!

Father, I cannot despair nor doubt
That Your grace is sufficient for a son or a father's weakness
Grow this family in Your power and meekness 
Encompass with Your shield round about

Surely, You shall lead me
In the way in which I should go 
Though I am lost and can't see
Your Word and Light will guide me home 

Though this father cannot see
Yet, he will not understand in order to believe 
He will entrust himself to you, that You will uphold him
Believing, in order that he may understand 

Father, I look through a glass
That is at this time, now dark
Regardless, I set my face steadfast 
And entrust to You, my heart


A Prayer & Meditation to God, for my Future Dear

O Father, at this time
As my heart cries out to You, “Where is she?”
I will not withhold my love and trust
But cling to You
Save me from lust 

Father, she is out there
And how beautiful she must be!
May she, even now, be blessed by this prayer 
When You bring her, awaken and give me eyes to see!

Father, this is my prayer and hunger to You
You are the God who fills me with good things
I open my mouth wide with faith outpoured 
Which only by Your Grace enables me to sing 

Father, it is my desire
That she be beautiful from the inside out 
May she be humble and trusting in You
Not lofty in herself, secure, or proud 

May she be discerning, Father 
Discernment that she finds in You 
May her salvation be the same as mine
Your Word that sanctifies her by Your Truth 

Father, if I am blind
And am looking for something less
In my own selfish imagination and vain pursuit 
Take then the blind and secret immaturity
Remove quickly presumption's roots!

Father, she is somewhere out there
And may I nor these words be a stumbling block to her 
May she be strong and ever casting herself on You 
Relying and trusting, at peace, with Your Word 

Father, though the flowers that I gaze
Seem all chosen and picked
You will surely fulfill and be praised
For blessing this pathetic, inglorious wick 

Father, though the bud seems forever to remain shut 
(The blossoms hesitant to spring forth)
It is not by anything except by Your hand
You do not bid me to leave and forget
But to admire what You have done
And trust in Your plan 

Father, You know where I am 
How, at this time, I have no house or wealth 
To support a wife to a household of ten 
Yet to all my days, I know, You have bountifully dealt 

You will provide, Father
I am assured and cannot sway 
You have never turned away Your ear
Nor those who've sought You have been put to shame 

The many prayers that You would provide
You know, Father God, I pray daily 
Again, though I do not see, You are working inside 
My heart; You have never failed me

Surely Father, this is a season of growth
For how long, I do not know
Anoint and prepare me as the future leader
Of my Future Dear and our future home 

I pray, Father, she is praying for me
For I need Your presence more than I need her's
O save me from confusion and help me to see
Beyond and higher than anything, I need You; Your Word

Father, help me to see and save me from this confusion I ask
That marriage divides one's relationship between God and man 
You are the One who created it; You made Woman the last!
Taken to be by his side and help each other to stand 

Surely God, the man and woman 
Cannot stand but will fall alone 
By Your love and perfect timing
You have made us for each other
Surely she is Flesh of my Flesh
And Bone of my Bones 

O may she be beautiful in Your Eyes, O Father
And may she be beautiful in mine
Surely, You give the man Your favor 
When the virtuous wife he finds!

Father, I ask yet again
(And grow this prayer and reveal more, as I seek You)
That she would have a discerning spirit 
And Your loving, tender wisdom, in her,  endue 

Father, may she pray for me as I pray for her
And grow our prayers more for each other 
May these words not stumble but bless the young ladies reading this 
And give them hope for their future husbands 
Your peace, passion, and bliss


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