A Female Dancer Talks Trash About Michael's Girlfriend (4)

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I was at home in Neverland while Michael Jackson was doing a music video shoot for his song "The Way You Make Me Feel".

During lunchtime, I got a text from a girl that I didn't know about.

She said:

Girl: Listen here, Michael doesn't deserve an autistic bitch like you. You're better off in a mental hospital where you can live off someone else's shit and sleeping on a mattress that's infested with—-

Me: WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO MEAN?!! I love Michael for who he is and he loves me too. He'd never date a slutty whore like you bitch.

Girl: Well, I'm gonna marry him tonight and we're moving out of the United States, so you can go fuck yourself.

I started to cry and then about seven o'clock at night, Michael texted me.

Michael: Baby, did my dancer insult you earlier today?

I started to text him back, but the mean girl snatched the phone out of Michael's hands and smashed it to pieces.


That was the last straw. I called Michael's tour manager and he answered right away.

"What's the problem, f/n"?

I told him about the female dancer that insulted me and that she stole Michael's phone so I couldn't get ahold of him.

"Don't you worry, I'll handle that spoiled brat".

After he hung up, it took a while for me to get a message back.

Michael fired his female dancer and because his phone got smashed, he had to get a new one.

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