He Finally Gets A Youtuber Terminated (11)

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After a day or two had passed, Michael was getting a little bit more upset over the YouTuber who was bullying him.

Now, it was getting worse.

A big portion of the YouTuber's subscribers were now threatening us with violence.

I was getting scared and Michael had already attempted to track down the official owners of YouTube to report about the incident.

While I was working on my drawings, Michael came running to me and he said that he just got an email from YouTube.

"They sent me their phone number and now we can finally get rid of that horrible person who started all this bullying and harassment on me and you".

He kissed my cheek and I giggled as he grabbed my hand and led me to the living room.

We both sat down together on the sofa side-by-side.

Michael dialed the number on his phone and a happy little smile was on his face.

"Yes sir, we are aware of this individual. Can you tell us what the name is on his YouTube account"?

Michael started to blush because of his embarrassment.

I smiled and whispered it to him in his ear.

He smiled with a light chuckle, ruffling my hair.

I giggled and wrapped an arm around him and he did the same with me while he talked on the phone.

In just a few hours, the mean and horrible YouTuber that was bullying Michael Jackson on purpose was deleted from existence.

The person received an email from YouTube, saying that his YouTube account had been terminated for multiple violations of harassment and bullying.

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