08: 2 Fast

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"What the hell were you thinking coming here," Kai screamed at me as he pressed his hand over my throat, trying to stem the flow of blood. It was coming out more than I had realized at first and I was too lightheaded to answer his question, which may have been rhetorical anyway.

The elevator doors opened to pandemonium. Well-dressed people were running around, screaming and pushing each other out of the way. Small groups tried to stay together, but it was quickly devolving into everyone for themselves.

"Jin's gonna be pissed," I mumbled just before my knees buckled underneath me.

"Shit," Kai cursed under his breath, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me toward the door. I weakly threw my arms around his neck and buried my face under his jaw in an effort to stay as close to him as possible to keep someone from running by and taking off my head.

"How did you get here," he grumbled under the noise.

"Bike," was the only answer I could give him.

"Shit." He looked around at all the bodies jumping into cars and immediately turned to the left toward the parking lot where the security teams had met up. He moved as quickly as he could with me in his arms and stopped at the first car he came to. It took some juggling to move me around where he could free his hand and check to see if it was unlocked, but there was no luck.

"I'm okay," I whispered. "Just set me down."

"You're nowhere near okay and I'm not leaving you."

"You have to unless you want to explain to a lot of people why you're with me."

"Just shut up and let me think." After a moment, Kai threw his head back and growled before setting me gently on the pavement. I leaned against the car and watched as he ran around checking the cars. People were starting to arrive and I wondered if I was about to get ran over. But, lucky for me, I heard Kai's voice as he was talking to someone and coming closer. My eyes moved upward as a body knelt down in front of me.

"What did you get yourself into," Lucas asked, crouching in front of me with his eyebrows knotted together.

"Take her back to her apartment and wait for me to call," Kai said as he hauled Lucas up by the collar. "And don't tell a fucking soul."

"I don't know where she lives and I don't think she's going to be able to tell me in a minute."

"Here." Kai tapped something into his phone. "That's her address. Now go! I'll handle Taeyeon."

Lucas nodded curtly before squatting again and hefting me into his arms. "Come on little bird. Let's get you somewhere safe." He was taller and a little broader than Kai, so he had no problem hefting me into the passenger seat of a sports car at the edge of the lot. Tires were squealing, painting black on the pavement and cutting through my head like a series of spikes. He leaned over me, his bulky weight surprisingly substantial, as he grabbed something from the back seat and then pressed it against my throat.

"You're not bleeding as bad as you were, but it's not stopped, so hold pressure on that," he said quickly before running around to the other side of the car.

"Why is everyone panicking," I asked, my voice scratchy and tight.

"Right after you ran out of the room, a bunch of guys showed up with detonators and told everyone to get out before they blew the place."

"Oh my god! We have to go back and help!" I sat up too quickly, making my head spin.

Lucas cut his eyes at me before rolling them. "You aren't going to be helping anyone anytime soon. You're lucky Ravn didn't cut your head off. Looks like he almost did."

House of Cards | Bulletproof book 2 | A BTS Gang AUWhere stories live. Discover now