Relationship As A Journey

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It was snowing. Again.

The dull bitter cold morning was giving everything in its path a frosty chill. The biting wind and stinging flakes didn't bring a welcoming light. Therefore there were no intended plans for going outside freely.

Being sent home from the hospital, Anna retreated to sitting on the couch with great frustration. She was there at the crack of dawn and refused to leave, feeling to be on a sort of mission to get on everyone's nerves enough to send her back to work.

She was there when Tina got up for her daily 'trying to get back into MACUSA' routine. Anna tugged a loose blanket around her more tightly and continued to stare straight into the fireplace. Tina said a few things to her that she didn't remember before leaving.

Anna was also there when Jacob and Queenie came out. They were going to visit Queenie's workplace and then stop by a few shops for a while. Anna couldn't think anything of it – her mind going too far.

The two of them wandered out before too long and left Anna to her saddened thoughts.

Only a few minutes later did a blue wisped eagle fly in from the window and settled itself on the armrest next to Anna. It rested a light pink carnation on the cushion before picking at its feathers and emitting the voice of Soren.

"Everything is okay. Don't worry. Don't do anything stupid. Please stay safe."

The broadly built eagle patronus soared out and fell apart into different strands of vibrant blue wisps. Anna didn't pick up the flower. She sighed and continued her long angered stare instead. She couldn't see the sun through the stormy clouds, but she assumed it was getting higher in the sky when she noticed Newt pop out of his bedroom.

He quietly swayed into the room with his sleeves rolled up and his hands in his pockets. He kept his head down, his auburn locks bouncing against his forehead. He pursed his lips slightly as he stopped at the edge of the couch, the side opposite of Anna.

She tensed her muscles and didn't move an inch, keeping her eyes trained.

After being sent home she locked herself in her bedroom the rest of the night. She only allowed the door to be opened when her sisters needed to come in for sleep.

Newt came back in a panic and refused to leave the house afterwards. He paced the hallway and sat at the table repeatedly before resting for the night.

Now he flicked his eyes towards Anna, observing from a distance. He studied her features and took a few steps forward.

"I talked with Queenie this morning." He spoke softly and gazed at her directly, "We were thinking about taking a day off tomorrow and going somewhere." He checked for any signs of movement, but was disappointed. Instead he went over to the kitchen and proceeded to make some hot chocolate.

"Would you like some cocoa? It's snowing out there." He smirked and continued, "Franks been pulsing sunlight all morning just to keep it warm in the case." Newt turned his head around to see if he peaked any interest, but Anna remained motionless.

Taking a steaming mug over, Newt placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch. He sat an arm's length away from Anna, but rubbed his hands together and watched her.

When she didn't take the drink and continued to gaze at the fireplace, Newt took a breath and racked his brains for something to snap her out of her trance.

With a sudden jolt of thought Newt flew off the sofa and trotted into his bedroom. He went down into his case and ran back to the living room within a few seconds. In his hands he held a small well-worn leather-back journal.

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