great start

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rowan heard her alarm go off as she groaned and reluctantly got up. she frowned as she walked into the bathroom and stood infront of the mirror. she sniffled at her tear stained cheeks. she washed her face hoping to help rid of her stains. she was dark dark. she had been away all over the place in the sun for a huge portion of the summer. she frowned again as it all came back to her and she looked down at the cast around her ankle. she squeezed her eyes tightly and brushed her teeth not even bothering to brush her hair or put it up. she walked well more like hopped into her room and too her closet. she slid on a pair of shorts that had little sea turtles on them and black v neck. she slid on vans and took a look in the mirror. this was the old rowan or at least what the old rowan looked like. she grabbed her crutches and placed her shark tooth necklace on and hobbled down the stairs where she took her pain meds before taking off for school
sabrina woke up and did her usual. washed her face and brushed her teeth and putting on a subtle amount of make up. she curled her hair a bit and put on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black crop top that highlighted her chest and some shoes. she was putting on her rings and necklaces when it hit her. would rowan be back? she watched the world cup and actually her family watched the world cup with her even though they knew they had broken up. she watched as her ex girlfriends dreams became a reality and were shattered all in a matter of 10 minutes. she felt a pang in her heart. but she was sabrina kay and sabrina kay was never embarrassed which is exactly what rowan left her. embarrassed and heart broken.
rowan walked into the school on crutches. rowan wasn't too sure what she was going to do now. especially since emily had moved over the summer and sabrina basically possessed all their so called "friends" she was going to be pretty lonely for a while. she walked her usual way to class as everyone gave her pity looks. "so now you're all soccer fans" rowan thought in her head guessing they had all seen the match. she was interrupted from her thoughts as a hand tapped her shoulder. she turned and was greeted with a pretty blonde. she was a decent size and had green eyes and blonde hair. pretty fair skin too. she wore a skinny to and jeans. "hi. um you're rowan right?" she asked in a peppy tone. "uh yeah" rowan said skeptically shaking the girls hand. "you don't look very familiar" rowan said. "oh right. i'm cassie. i moved late last year" she told her. "huh cool. where from?" rowan was trying to get to know the pretty girl infront of her. she definitely wasn't looking for anything but getting to know the girl was harmless. "wow wow wow. if it isn't THE rowan sanchez. already making moves on my girl?" she heard the familiar voice say. she felt her blood boil as she chuckled dryly. "well well well. if it isn't THE mason o'connell or should i say THE little bitch" she said smirking. "id watch your tone if i were you sanchez" he said angrily wrapping his arm around cassie. "whatever i don't have time for this. it was cool meeting you cassie" rowan said hopping away on her crutches towards her class. "yeah hobble away little tiny tim" mason called out earning him laughs and high-fives. she could care less about the popularity but rowan was NOT one to be embarrassed. "god that little ass" she grumbled loudly when she thought she was alone. "rowan?" she heard the familiar voice say. "sabrina?" rowan said turning towards her and looking up. she looked good. better. both girls stared at eachother for a second. "uh you look great. really good" rowan choked out. sabrina nodded before turning away and walking. she shook her head. she really was in this alone.
she sat in her class messing with her pencil not even bothering to take the notes her teacher was telling her to take. she noticed the new girl in her classes and she kept eyeing rowan but rowan didn't bother. she didn't need anymore trouble than she already had. at lunch she opened the door and eyes went to her again. "this is gonna get old and fast" she mumbled to herself before hopping to an empty table. she pulled out her lunch and ate and scrolled through her phone. she was startled as someone sat across from her. "hey rowan" cassie said. "sup" she replied. cassie chuckled a little. "uh i just wanted to apologize about our last encounter it didn't go exactly as i had planned" she said. "no worries. where's you boy?" she asked slightly annoyed. "oh uh i don't know. sooo you play soccer right?" she asked. "used too" rowan said gesturing to her ankle. "oh right. sorry about that. that really sucks" cassie told her sincerely. "yeah it does" rowan said turning her head as she felt her eyes water. "hey sorry i was so rude earlier i just it's been a little difficult" rowan told her. "no i totally get it" cassie said teaching over the table and touching rowans hand. sabrina sat on her table and watched the interaction. she rolled her eyes and almost went full guard dog when cassie turned and shot sabrina a wink. she was totally playing rowan! sabrina thought.
"hey. didn't i say to back off my girl?" mason barked as he made his way over to rowan. "mmm i think that's what i said to you as you pulled moved on MY girl at the party o'connell" she said. "rowan rowan rowan. when are you ever going to learn" he said cracking his knuckles getting closer to her. she stood up getting ready to defend herself. "god what the hell do you want mason" she asked growing annoyed. "this" he said slapping her. she touched her cheek. she shook her head. "bitch move" she decked him and made contact with his jaw busting his lip. "i've made it farther than you ever will mason! remember that" she barked. "and now where are you rowan?! you're just some washed up soccer player now" he yelled back. she felt the angry tears threatening to spill. she picked up her crutches and hopped off. she got to the locker room and slammed her fist against her locker. "fuck fuck FUCK" she screamed in anger. she collapsed into one of the chairs as she cried. her life was gone over done. she had no idea what she was going to do. thankfully her schedule worked out so she could leave after lunch. she was supposed to stay and meet with her soccer coach but blew it off and went home. she collapsed onto her bed and fell asleep. she awoke later to the sound of knocking on her door. she groaned getting up not bothering to put a shirt on. she picked up her crutches and hobbled down the stairs to answer the door. "sabrina?" rowan said at the sight of the girl. "hey. can i come in?" she asked. rowan moved aside and let the girl in. "what's up?" rowan asked unsure of why her ex was in her house right now. "i have a proposition for you" sabrina said. rowan raised her eyebrows and gave her a confused look. "rowan i i i need you" she paused as she looked away frustrated with herself. "i need you to pretend to be my girlfriend" sabrina said. "and today couldn't get any weirder" rowan said to herself.

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