welcome to london

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"ro? come on. it's time to wake up" hope cooed. rowan stirred a little. "just go brush your teeth and change k?" rowan nodded her head as she walked into the bathroom. she lazily brushed her teetj before tossing her tooth brush in her bag. she tossed on a pair of shorts and a hoodie but she kept her sponge bob slippers on. she laid back and fell asleep again. hope walked out of the bathroom and looked at rowan. it was 5:30 AM. "hey car. can you help me?" hope asked. carli and abby came up and took hope and rowans things while hope scooped rowan up trying her best not to wake her. she tossed rowans back pack over her own shoulder as rowan cuddled into hope. hope and rowan were the last ones down. before they got there christie grew worried. "hey. who has the baby?" christie asked. alex who was leaning on tobins shoulder shook her head no and cuddled in closer to the midfielder. "she's right here" hope whispered emerging with little rowan. everyone awed at the sight. who new the big bad ass goal keeper would turn into such a sweetheart for the 16 year old youngin. they loaded into the bus and rowan stirred slightly before cuddling in deeper to hope. the team had a 2 hour drive before they would arrive at the airport and start the journey to london. when they arrived at the airport they all got in and got ready to board but first they all took off to go grab food. rowan went with hope and carli to get coffee we'll coffee for the two older girls and a chocolate milk for rowan. they got breakfast bento boxes and headed back to their gate. they boarded soon after with alex and kelley sitting together. tobin with cheney and arod and ofcourse rowan with hope and carli. "this is it guys" hope said as she looked out the window. "gosh i'm so ready." carli finished. they both looked to rowan. she looked up at them. "well guys. this is where our dreams come true or they're left to die" she said simply before slipping in her ear buds. both girls were kinda amazed at how deep rowans statement was. but they followed suit and slid in their earbuds. they passed the time on the flight by napping, watching movies (as always rowan watched transformers), read books, made small talk. "car. wake her up" hope said as she looked out the window. carli gently nudged rowan. "hmm?" rowan said as she rubbed her eyes. "look ro" carli said. "welcome to london" hope said moving so rowan could look out the window. she felt a smile rise. she made it. she was here. she's an olympian.

a few days into the olympics it was time for not only the first game but the fate of rowans future. the first game went well they won although rowan didn't get to play. everyone was so high off the win they didn't notice how much not playing killed the young girl. but rowan knew this team had done to much for her to let her pride get in the way so she plastered on a smile and congratulated her teammates. she changed and for the first time all night she finally got to remove her zip up. as they were about to board the bus pia stopped her. "rowan. spain's coach is gonna meet us at the hotel so me and you will head straight into the meeting room ok?" she asked. rowan nodded and boarded the bus. rowan sat silently but kept up her happy act as hope and carli chatted back and forth over the big win. she arrived at the hotel and slipped away into the conference room. she was greeted with a very professional looking man who was dressed in a suit and tie. "hi rowan? i'm jorge vilda. the coach for real madrid and spain's women's national team" he greeted her by shaking her hand. "hi. it's nice to meet you" she responded. "pia. good to see you congrats tonight" he said. they sat down and began talking and jorge quickly noticed rowans uncomfortable state. "hablas espanol?" he asked. "sí" she responded. pia grew uncomfortable due to her lack of spanish speaking. "good. listen rowan this opportunity is huge. you'll play with some of the best in a club with even more. christiano ronaldo for example." he began. "we want a player with your understanding and skills. you would fit in perfectly" he said. he was totally appealing to the fact that rowan felt un important during this match. rowan imagined her life in spain playing with some of the bests. maybe spain could give her what she had been missing. give her time to grow.
jorge looked at her and then said something. "siempre serás apreciado rowan. usted comenzaria" he told her. that translated to. "you'd always be appreciated rowann always get the start" she knew he was doing this on purpose. "well. i will need an answer by wednesday. i know it's soon but this is a big deal. good luck to your team and your self rowan" he said standing up. he shook her hand before whispering to her "voy a verte pronto". "i'll see you soon" pia annoyingly cleated her throat signaling it was time for him to leave. he took the clue and left. "what did he say to you?" she asked. rowan shook her head. she didn't want to lie but she finally had some control. "nothing. goodnight coach"
"god i hope i didn't just loose my player" pia mumbled.
rowan dreamt that night of her life in spain. she could belong there. she could do something there. she could grow. but her family was here. hope was here. carli was here. tobin was here. she woke up in the middle of the night and called sabrina. "either way ro. you're gonna be okay" sabrina told her. she spent the next few nights tossing and turning. she didn't tell anyone else besides her dad and sabrina afraid that they would try to persuade her. on thursday morning rowan walked into pias office.
"no one will hear of this. okay?" rowan told her as she walked out. wether that would be the last time would soon be revealed.

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