not a wash up

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"you did what sabrina?" rowan yelled into the phone. "i told the truth. i did what i should've done forever ago" she said simply. "you realize what you've done right? are you okay? has anyone said anything?" rowan asked eagerly into the phone. "no no. i mean they all kinda laughed and now no one talks to me and cassie and mason are now on the top so" sabrina said and rowan was shocked at how sabrina wasn't fuming right now. "how are you not mad?" rowan asked. "cause it's not like we really had any friends to begin with" she chuckled dryly. "come on ro. it's always been us since there was an us. and i'm pretty content with that. are you?" "yeah yeah of course i am but they won sab" she said. "they didn't win rowan. masons probably gonna go off and play D3 football and break cassies heart while she'll do whatever. but you and me. we're the true winners. i'm gonna be a successful CEO of my management company and you are going to win an olympic medal and play pro and win many many world cups and olympics after that" she said. rowan stood there shocked. "rowan?" "hm?" "you proved him wrong. you're the winner. you're not a wash up" she said. rowan smiled a bit. sab was right. "you're right sab." "damn rigjt i am. hey when do you get back?"
"uhhh not till-" she stopped and looked at the schedule. "fuck fuck fuck!" she mumbled. "what?" "sabrina i i i i'm so so sorry" she said sadly. "rowan?" "my send off series doesn't end till may 27" "you're gonna miss prom and graduation?" she said sadly. "i'm so sorry sab. let me talk to pia see if i can come early or something" "no no rowan. you've worked to hard for this. it's fine. i can make it through grad day without you i'll be fine. and as for prom that's simple. i just won't go"
god how could she do this. she's breaking her favorite girls heart.
"hey ro. what's up?" asked tobin during breakfast. rowan just shook her head sadly and ate. everyone noticed how down rowan was. hope knew she needed to get to the bottom of it. "ro? can you please tell me what's up?" the goal keeper asked. rowan didn't hide her tears this time. "she's been here and i can't do this one thing! ugh she's she's my best friend no she s my family hope" rowan said angry. "rowan. relax. give me some time. i'll fix this" hope said getting up. rowan looked at her confused.
H- operation help rowan. room 265 be there in 5
"ohhhh do that's why she didn't wanna go surf with me yesterday!" tobin said earning a smack from alex. "ouch!" "focus tobin!" alex said. tobin pouted and crossed her arms.
hope and the girls plotted a great plan. they couldn't do anything about rowans well whatever was happening with the girl. but they could at least give rowan and sabrina a night of epic ness.
the girls quickly ran down to the coaches area and talked to pia who approved of the plan.
prom night plan
1. steal rowans phone to get sabrinas number
2. hope call sabrina explain and get her out here in time for the 2nd send off game.
3. alex and cheney- prom attire for rowan and others
4. christie, syd, ali, becky and pinoe. decorations
5. assistant coaches- pick up sabrina and get her situated. she'll attend the game
6. tobin, arod, abby, hope, carli- set up
time to plan.
"uh hello?" sabrina answered the phone. "hey sabrina this is hope. hope solo" "hope solo. rowans teammate?" "yep this is her. listen ro ro told us all about your guys current situation. we wanna help." hope filled her in. "oh my god that's so kind of you guys. thank you. yes i'll be there" sabrina agreed.
"rowan!" "tobs. what's up?" "wanna go to the beach with me?" "yeah. give me a sec" rowan replied going into the room to grab her wallet and phone. "ok i'm ready" they headed down to the lobby. "where you guys going?" abby asked as she was sitting with christie. "the beach" tobin replied. the two nodded and they headed out. "no alex?" rowan asked. "no she's with kelley. plus. you're kinda my bestfriend ro." tobin told her. "well you're mine too" rowan replied. they walked along the water and hung out. "hey ro?" tobin asked suddenly. "what's up?" rowan replied. "what's your plans for after the olympics?" tobin asked her. "i uh i honestly don't know. i guess i'll enter the draft?" rowan hasn't really thought much of the future and it made her anxious just thinking of it. tobin noticing the change in the girl dropped it. "let's head back? hope will loose her shit if she sees that i'm not back" rowan said. tobin agreed and the two began the track back to the hotel. "you good?" hope asked as they entered the room. "yeah i mean honestly hope it hadn't exactly been easy" rowan said. she was ready to finnaly reveal what had been keeping her down for so long. rowan explained everything to hope from her anxiety, to her being diagnosed with ADHD (which wasn't a suprise based on the girls small attention span) and an anxiety disorder, to her ptsd from the incident and how she was heartbroken on the fact that she couldn't go see sabrina. hope listened intently although she kinda knew half of the stuff rowan told her. you could call it mothers intuition. rowan didn't even notice the tears that were now spilling from her eyes until hope held her close letting rowan sit on her lap as she stroked her hair. "you're okay now okay." hope whispered into her ear. once rowan had calmed down enough hope asked a blunt question. "is this what you've been taking those pills for?" hope asked. "yeah" rowan mumbled ashamed. she didn't know that hope had noticed that. she was very discreet with it. "thank you. for telling me" hope said.

game day
rowan took off her sponge bob slippers after she had changed into her uniform. she tied her cleats and began the walk out. she wouldn't get the start but she later played in the 60th minute. she had some good touches and defense so she was feeling okay about the match but little did she know she would have one of the best nights of her life.

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