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"me? why?" rowan asked. shaking her head in disbelief she went to the fridge grabbing 2 waters and tossing one to sabrina. "thanks" she said before taking a seat and explaining to rowan the current situation. here's what she got from it. cassie moved when rowan left and sabrina out of spite was trying to give mason a chance. but she didn't like him so she dumped him and he started dating the new girl who was becoming popular. of course sabrina was still on top and still had the large group of friends but cassie was quickly rising to the top and she needed rowan to secure the deal that sabrina was top girl. "so you want to use me basically?" rowan laughed. "kinda" sabrina said. "wow you're not even denying it" rowan said. "rowannnn come on! this is huge" sabrina pleaded. "look i'll think about it alright. goodnight" rowan said. the next few days went by as usual. snarky remarks from mason and rowan sitting in the locker room crying. one day sabrina had macy drop her back off at school so she could pick up her car when she noticed someone on the soccer fields. she recognized the familiar tan skin and messy hair. she walked down to the fields and as she got closer she heard sobs from the girl. not once did sabrina ever see rowan cry so this was totally new to her. she practically sprinted down there and sat next to the girl and held her as rowan let her head fall into sabrinas stomach. sobs shaking her body. "oh ro" was all sabrina could get out as she held the girl not caring that her tears were soaking her shirt. after a while rowan sat up and sniffled. "come on" sabrina said helping the girl up and handing her her crutches. rowan got in her jeep and sabrina followed her to her house. when she got out sabrina followed her inside. "sab you don't have to do this i know-" sabrina shook her head at her as she made dinner for the 2 girls. it was pigs in the blanket which was rowans favorite. she pulled out snacks and the two sat on the couch eating and watching criminal minds in silence. sabrina turned to her all of a sudden. "so my proposal?" she started and rowan laughed. "of course this is what this is about" "shut up and listen. i have a deal" sabrina started. rowan rolled her eyes but listened. "you pretend to be my girlfriend and help me stay top dog" rowan scoffed.  "and i'll
help you make the olympic roster" sabrina said boldly. rowan stopped laughing and turned to her. "not funny" she said. "it wasn't supposed to be. i'm serious. you get your cast off at the end of the week right? i'll come up with a plan by then and secure you a spot on that roster" "you're serious?" rowan asked. "yes" rowan thought for a second before doing the unthinkable. she agreed.
the next day rowan woke up and laid in her bed. she thought about everything. she looked at her wall and saw the london 2012 thing. sabrina was her last hope. she got up and made breakfast before heading to her doctors appointment. she was stopped right outside her house by sabrinas car blocking her in. "sab? what are you doing here?" "get in loser. we're going to the doctors" she said. rowan got in her car and they drove in silence to the hospital. "rowan! come on in!" the doctor said enthusiastically. after he took off the cast it was time for questions. "so i can return to training like now right?" she asked eagerly. "uh i i suppose but rowan we discussed the the uh the you know" he said looking at her sadly. "we just wanna know if it's safe" sabrina said sternly. "yes yes i suppose" the doctor said. "great. bye now!" she hoped up and grabbed rowans hand and pulled her out of the office. "wait sabrina. you forgot to ask when i was supposed to come back" rowan said. "oh they'll call you. come on i came up with a plan!" she said excitedly. they got to a small cafe and rowan watched curiously as sabrina brought a notebook with them. they ordered quickly as rowan looked a sabrina curiously. "okay this is called operation london" she began flipping through pages. "there are 4 steps. step one. physical. so that's like conditioning and what not right okay" she flipped the page again and started on step 2. "step 2 healing. mentally. so this involves lots of visualization and meditation" she flipped again. "step 3. soccer knowledge. we will continue to watch soccer matches and you will use this" she said picking up a black note book and handing it to rowan. "to take notes on the game so that part will stay fresh". she then looked at rowan seriously. "step 4. diet so that means-" "nope no oreos? no ro ro" rowan said stubbornly. "uh yes. so here's the schedule that starts tomorrow" sabrina went over the schedule and rowan was in for a long few months.
she woke up early and went down stairs for breakfast after getting ready and saw that sabrina was downstairs waiting for her. she smiled at rowans outfit. "what?" rowan asked looking down at her blue shorts with sea turtles on them. "nothing it's just you look you look like the old rowan. it looks good" she said. they stood there awkwardly before sabrina cleared her throat and pushed the green smoothie rowans way. "drink up!" she said. "uhhh no this looks like the color of spinach" rowan said disgusted. "ohhhh that's cause it is. drink." she said sternly. rowan took a sip and gagged. "rowan" sabrina said again and she drank the drink. she washed it down with some water when she was done. "good. now come on let's go" sabrina said walking outside. they drove together in rowans jeep. before they exited she looked at sabrina. "ready for this?" she asked. "you ready for london?" she shot back. "uhhh i'm working on it" rowan replied. sabrina nodded and squeezed rowans arm. "come on babe" she said getting into character. they both took deep breaths before exiting the jeep and rowan wrapped her arm around the girls shoulders. they entered the halls and everyone's conversations stopped. and whisperes began. "wait they're back together? what?" she heard. they approached their friend group. "uhhh hey guys" maddie said awkwardly     "oh we uh we worked things out" sabrina said and rowan nodded in agreement. "k babe. i'm off to first. ill see you at lunch?" rowan asked and sabrina nodded and smiled. rowan decided to make it believable she pecked sabrinas cheek before heading off. finnaly it was time for lunch as rowan circled her way to the lunch room. she walked in and was headed to her old table when she saw cassie shoot her a smile before her group walked over to me. but before she could say anything none other than mason o'connell was there to stop her. "what do you think you're doing there sanchez?" he asked smugly. "i think i was making my way to my girl" she said chuckling and walked straight to sabrina. "hey babe" she said loudly so he could hear and kissed her on her lips. "i'd watch it if i were you rowan. i mean it" he said walking up to my table. "haha. if you were me? impossible. you can't be me when your a little-" "okayyyy uhhh maybe we just need a second." cassie said trying to seperate me and mason. "you know mayeb she's right mase. why don't you go take a seat" she mocked. her grumbled something before stalking off. "god what a little kid" she chuckled bitterly. she didn't realize her hand placement till she noticed it was protectively on sabrinas waist. sabrina patted her hand and leaned back into her like a traditional couple would do. both girls were stiff and rowan quietly removed her hand. sabrina sat up clearly uncomfortable. rowan went to study hall and sabrina was right there were people there watching her to make sure she did her homework. "damn sabs got some realllll stalkers up in here" she said under her breath. she pulled out her folder and began on the homework. after she was done she met sabrina outside of the school. things were awkward between them since lunch but they each had things they needed to do. they needed to be adults. whatever that meant. "ready?" she asked shielding her eyes from the sun. "yep. let's head out" rowan said. they drove in silence to her house. they got into the house and rowan collapsed onto the couch. sabrina headed into rowans room to change and came out wearing a track suit looking thing. rowan chuckled. "go get dressed" sabrina said. rowan sat up and laughed her way to her room. when she got in there she noticed sabrina had already left out some training clothes for her. she changed into the black shorts and white sports bra and tossed the blue zip up over it neglecting to actually zip it up. she put on her training shoes and meet sabrina outside. rowan had a pretty big backyard and she awed at the sight. sabrina had set up multiple cones and different equipment. "come on. let's get to work"

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