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*3rd Person*

Julieta deflates in the wooden chair she was currently tied up in; the plan hadn't gone how it was supposed to.

Estella was dead. Julieta was captured once again. And none of the Mayans knew where she was.

This was a horrible plan.

Lucian sat behind Julieta, who faced the door, with his gun on his lap. He patiently waited for Julieta's saviors to come running through the door. From above you could hear the chaos.
Gun shots every second, bodies dropping to the floor, voices screaming out in the distance. The Santos were losing, it seemed, good lives gone to waste. And for what?

Lucian sat up in his chair, leaning forward to drag the muzzle along her head and down her shoulder agonizingly slow. "Mi amor, what a war you've started."

Julieta seemed to growl at the man, shoving his hands off her as best she could. "No, Lucian. This was all you. You did this as soon as you murdered my brother!" Lucian grinned, walking in front of his almost ex girlfriend and forcing her chin up with his gun.
He bent down close to her, lips barely scraping against one another. He breathed heavily, wishing she would just love him back the way he loved her. Their fairytale would never happen. Her brother took that away from them.

"Is was your brother that took you away from me. He had to go. Can't you see Julieta? I killed him for you. For us!"

Julieta noticed her legs weren't tied and rammed one in his shin. He screamed out in agony, retaliating by slapping her across the face. "What the hell Julieta! Why can't you just love me again?"
Julieta felt a small guilt forming in her stomach, she remembered the time when she thought she did love him. But truth be told, she was only in pain, and needed someone there for her.
"I never truly loved you Lu. I'm sorry... I- I was in pain over Estella. And you were there to pick up the pieces... I never- Lu-" Lucian couldn't bear to hear her words anymore, so again, he hit her, this time with his gun.

Blood trickled down her cheek from the force of the hit, eyes watering as she looked at what used to be a good man. Or at least, he was disguised as one. Julieta noticed the shots had died down, no more bodies dropping to the ground. It was silent throughout the building.
The two in the second basement could hear their footsteps walking over them, and as much as Julieta wanted them to know they were in there, she also knew the walls were soundproof. The only thing she could do was hope and pray they found her in time.

Lucian sat back down in his chair, this time with the muzzle of his gun pressed against Julieta's head. She shivered from the cold around her, looking around for a way to tell her people she was down there. But it was no use. That was exactly why they built it in.
There were whispers being heard from upstairs, and then the first basement door being retched open. Of course, they didn't find her there, and cursed themselves.

Upstairs stood Ezekiel, Angel, Coco, and Miguel. The four men scouring the building for Julieta. They searched the entire building but nothing had come up. They were walking out of the basement when a small shiny object caught Ezekiel's eye. He walked over and bent down to pick it up, seeing it was Julieta's ring.
The one ring she wore at all times, her brother's ring. He showed it to the men, and noticed the dry wall had small slits in them, telling him there was a secret passage way. Ezekiel had the men set up in formation, Coco resting by the top of the stairs with his gun in place, and Angel and Miguel to the sides of Ezekiel.

As Ezekiel was about to open the door he hesitated, praying to God Julieta was okay. Then he forcefully opened the door, the three of them running in to see Julieta tied to a chair with Lucian holding a gun to her head. Her cheek was bleeding, and Ezekiel noticed the tears running down her face as she shook her head.
"Get out of here!" Ezekiel held his gun up at Lucian, who only smirked, "I'll pull my trigger boy. Don't test me." Ezekiel narrowed his eyes at Lucian, trying to find a way to break him. "Let her go, don't you love her?" Lucian chuckled, waving his gun in the air, "Yes, but seeing as she doesn't... Well, if I can't have her, then no one can."

𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄|𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐌𝐂 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟏Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin