Chapter 7: Anton

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Anton's POV

I knew it was suspicious he never stop me from going up the stairs. As I reach the top, I see this beautiful girl, laying hopelessly on the bathroom floor. Soaked and her make up was streaming down her face. Nevertheless the beauty still shined through. The anger towards him built up inside me.

"What have you done? Why have you done this?"

"You shouldn't be here, you need to leave!" He said whilst trying to pull me back down the stairs.

"I'm not going anywhere! This girl needs to go to the hospi..."

"No, you can't they'll ring the police. You can't do that to family."

"I'm warning you Riley, don't cut me off again. I don't care if your my brother or not. Why do you think you can get away with this?"

"Please, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't take her to hospital, please. They'll take me away. It was a accident!"

"This is no accident, this girl is nearly dead! You've beaten her black and blue! I'm taking her now."

He went to say something else but he knew that I wasn't interested, so stayed silent. As I picked her up, she woke and muttered "please don't, no more. I'm sorry.." My heart broke at her words, she's so fragile and weak.

"Your safe. Stay in the car, I'll be back in a minute" I reached the house once more to see my brother staring. I felt like hitting him but that would make me as bad as him and I'm not that low.

"Hitting girls your thing now bro. Your a disgrace. Your alone now, good luck explaining yourself in prison."

He ran towards me, thinking I would whimper. I stuck my foot out and watched as he hit the floor. When whispered "I'm not a girl and your not my family! Don't darken my door again."

I got in the car and looked over, she's unconscious again; I need to put my foot down. I might loose her!

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