14-Protect Them

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14-Protect Them

"Wait, you kissed?" Kenzy squealed, causing the whole group to cringe. It was Monday and Xepher and the group had been waiting around Aria's lockers since they got to school. She seemed to be late though and that worried Xepher. After she left his house yesterday, he'd been nearly ripping his hair out, worried.

"Yes, and she spoke...but then he showed up. He's using her mom to threaten her to obey him, and when he called her, he threatened me." Xepher felt his mind slipping to them standing at the door. How Aria tried to give back the necklace. He couldn't let her do that; it was like a goodbye that he was just not ready for.

"That means...he probably hurt her again." Jax said, leaning his back against the wall of lockers, his shoulders sagging. Xepher looked at each of them and saw the solemn look on their faces.

"I don't know if we can let this just keep happening." Marco muttered, his input surprising them. He was usually the silent one, more weightlifting than words.

"What are we going to do? Tell the cops? If we do, they could either, not believe us, because we're 'dumb teenagers.' They could look into it and talk to her stepfather and he lies, and they believe him, and he takes his anger out on her and hurts her more. Or we could get those one in a million chances that someone cares enough to push and find the truth. Are we ready to take those chances?" Everyone stared at Raven as she glared at the locker in front of her. They all knew she was right.

"What if we do a stakeout and video tape through the windows of their house, or what if we get Aria to record it somehow? We could bring it to the police, then right?" Raven shook her head.

"In the state of Massachusetts, it's illegal to video tape or audio record someone without their knowledge. Even if we got the info and proof, it would be dismissed." Raven responded. Everyone's eyebrows shot up, looking at her.

"You've been looking into the law?" Jax asked. She nodded.

"Since the day we found out, I've been looking for a safe, legal mean to get that sick monster away from her. Unless she is able to rat on him herself, the chances of us being able to do anything is little to none unfortunately."

"I just don't understand why she won't do it." Marco sighed, frustrated as he wiped his hands over his face. Xepher watched Raven's face turned dark.

"When you love something dearly, and that's all you have, you'll do everything in your power to protect it, even if it means you get hurt in the process." They all looked at her, the strain on their faces visible. This whole situation was hard on everyone, but none of them could imagine how it felt for Aria, and they refused to give up on her.

The bell rang then, signaling for them to get to class, but Aria hadn't shown up yet. That didn't sit well with Xepher. They all looked at each other then, uneasiness surrounding them. When the music began playing, they reluctantly went to their respective classes. Xepher hoped, no he prayed that she was okay.

Marco: She was in class, but up front, and the first one out.

Raven: She avoided us. She ran out as soon as the bell rang.

Kenzy: She took off on both of us!

Xepher gripped his phone tightly in his hand, nearly snapping it. She was avoiding them. Why? What had he done to her to make her avoid them? Well, she couldn't avoid him during Anatomy. That was for sure.

When Xepher walked into class, he froze. She wasn't here. The tardy bell rang a few seconds later, and as the teacher tried to settle down the class, he realized, she'd gone to the tardy class in order to avoid him. He felt an ache in his chest as he realized that Daniel must've told her to stay away. Was she doing this to protect him? Xepher's thoughts strayed to Raven's earlier statements.

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