Battle Of The Bands

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Aclarations: No quirks, high-school AU. The story takes place when the school launches a battle of the bands competition and most of class A enters. Uraraka, Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida are called "One For All" , while Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari are "Murder Explosion".

One For All had been practicing for about two hours and they were getting ready to go home. Uraraka was drinking the last bit of water in her bottle after singing so much. The battle of the bands was just in three weeks and they all felt like they were missing a lot of practice.

"That was great, guys!" Said Midoriya, unplugging his guitar. "Especially you, Todoroki, that bass solo was amazing"

Todoroki nodded, unplugging the bass as well "Iida's entrance with the drums after the first three riffs was good too."

The guy behind the drums standed up and bowed as a thank you. "I'm giving my best!"

Before Uraraka could compliment her friends, the door opened abruptly. It was one of the many nuisances of practicing in school, but they still preferred it than to have their sessions in Midoriya's garage. From the door, a blond boy walked in, followed by another blond and a red-head.

"Oy, scumbags, your time's up, our turn to practice" said the boy who walked in first, Explosion Murder's main guitarist and vocalist, Katsuki Bakugou.

"Yeah, sorry Kacchan, we were already leaving" Said Midoriya.

"Good" said Katsuki, walking over towards the microphone stand. "Move it, round face."

"Don't need to be so kind, Bakugou" said Uraraka sarcastically, picking up her bag and helping Todoroki keep the bass in its case while he unplugged the amplifier.

Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"You guys excited to see the best guitarist in the world play in our school?" said Bakugou, playing a few notes in his expensive guitar.

Uraraka chuckled. "But we get to see Deku play everyday."

From behind her, Midoriya blushed deeply and started stammering nonsense. Bakugou almost broke a string and looked at her, fuming.

"The fuck did you just said, round cheeks?"

"It's round face, stupid. If you are gonna come up with dumb nick names, at least be consistent."

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes again, "get lost."

And with that, One For All left the room and heavy metal music started playing.

"So, for the song we'll play, we are going to need a second guitar. You guys know anyone who might be up for it?" Said Midoriya as they all walked down the hall, carrying their instruments around.

"Everyone's already on different bands" said Iida, "Can't Todoroki do it?".

Todoroki denied with his head. "The notes are precisely high. The bass doesn't reach, plus I already learned that song."

Uraraka tensed up. If Midoriya ever saw her play, he would be really impressed. Maybe she could search for someone to teach her and help them.

"I'll do it!" she said, her cheeks turning light pink.

"Uraraka, you can play guitar?" Asked Midoriya, with a look of admiration and excitement towards his friend.

She cussed under her breath, just now realising the mess she got herself into.

"W-well, not as good as you, I know a few notes, but maybe if it is just one song, we could do it..." she stammered.

The rest of the band celebrated by giving her friendly compliments and pats in the back.

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