Cherries and sparring

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Uraraka's glamour disappeared to leave behind a sly Camie with pursed lips. Bakugou had to look away to hide his obvious blush. Everyone's blood froze when they heard Todoroki chuckle.

"Oh my gawd, Todo-kun, I had, like, no idea you could laugh!" Camie said, laughing a little herself, "I'm shook. Like, wig ! You go angst king, give us nothing!"

Todoroki laughed a little harder, now because Camie's unintelligible dialect added comedic value to the situation.

"It's just," Todoroki explained as he went back to his serious demeanor, "Bakugou is so stupid around Uraraka. His crush on her is going to be the death of me."

The blond turned around in a split of a second, eyeing his classmate with murder in his gaze and with menacing explosions coming out his hands.

"The fuck did you just say, Half and half bastard?"

"I said, you're ridiculous" Todoroki pushed, indifferent to Bakugou's intimidations. "Just tell her how you feel and stop being an idiot."

"Uh, yeah! Go get her! Like," Camie added, "Work out those tongue muscles, amirite?"

Bakugou was about to attack Todoroki, but whatever Camie tried to say was enough to stop him dead on his tracks and look at the girl in question. She winked at him, which only made him more confused.

"What the fuck, Camie? Tongue muscles?" asked the menacing blond.

"Uh. Yeah. Like, have you ever kissed a girl? You need muscles for that" Todoroki lied through his teeth, knowing full well he hadn't kissed a girl either.

Bakugou's face turned crimson, and his words caught in his throat. He laughed nervously.

"Of course I know that! I'm better than all of you, even kissing!" he snarled, "but, uh, Camie, just for good measure, how else would someone work out the tongue muscles?"

The girl laughed, but then realized he was dead serious.

"Oh, uh, like? Cherry stems? Ya, you could tie knots on the stems with your tongue. It's gonna make you a pro kisser in like, a hot second. Lit."

Bakugou nodded. The rest of the training went as smoothly as ot could've gone with those three, and Todoroki and Bakugou walked back to UA together.

"Get ahead, half-n-half, I need to buy something" said Bakugou as they passed by a convenience store.

"I'll come with, I need to buy tea" Todoroki said, and they both walked into the store.

They went separate ways. Bakugou approached the asile where baking supplies sat. There were bags of sugar, flour, jars of sprinkles, and, lastly, what he needed, canned fruits. He grabbed a can of cherries and looked at it, pensive. He usually never bought anything sweet, but he needed to prove to those extras that he was much stronger than them, even in his tongue. He nodded to himself and paid for the product.

When he walked outside the store, Todoroki was already there waiting for him.

"Got what you needed?" asked the half hot, half cold boy.

"As if you care."

They got to the dorms and Bakugou rushed over to his room, not exchanging a word with any of hso classmates in the common room. He closed the door behind him and opened the can.

The scent of overly sweet cherries and syrup filled his nostrils. He frowned as he picked one of the fruits and stared at it. He didn't really need to eat it, and he certainly didn't want to, so instead, he picked the stem out and returned the fruit to the syrup.

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