Fuck Off, Plato

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Aclarations: Childhood fiends AU. Platonic.

It all started with the moving truck. Bakugou was bored, and all
he wanted to do was help. His parents shrugged him off, every box was far too delicate for his childish fists, full of nitroglicerin and about to explode. He was discarded rather quickly and left with the task of exploring his new house.

He got tired of the walls almost immediately. He ran down the empty hallway and out to the backyard. There were patches of dead grass and woods framing the back, inviting him to go explore. To the left, there was a fence that divided his yard with the neighbors', and it somehow looked even more inviting. With his quirk, he blew a little hole, the size of a baseball, in the wood of the fence, and peeked with his mischievous eyes to the other side, where the grass was literally greener, it was cared for.

"What are you doing?" he asked, and the little girl on the other side looked up from her dollhouse, startled.

It made him curious how a literal explosion was somehow less startling than his voice.

"Who are you?" she asked, accidentally making one of her pretty dolls float in the air. So that was her quirk.

"I asked first," he said, clinging to the fence.


When they saw each other without a fence in between them, there was a scary blonde woman behind Bakugou. Uraraka clinged to her mother's skirt, but her shyness disappeared rather quickly. Their parents got along pretty well and soon let their children run avock around the house.

Uraraka puffed her chest proudly when she showed him her room. It was not a big one, but she was happy it was all for herself.


They really liked to explore the woods together. The summer was spent around nature, blowing up rocks, floating leaves. They liked to play and pretend they were great heroes, saving the world. They jumped logs as if they were wrecked buildings, and played turns on who got to be the hero and the villain. Bakugou had always been good at playing villain.

Sometimes, Bakugou's dad played to be a civilian in great danger, that scenario was their favorite. They both got to be heroes.


Soon enough, summer had to end. They were going to the same school, but they were sure to make it as hard as they could for their parents.

Bakugou's dad was the one who took them to the store to buy backpacks, pencils, shoes, notebooks and everything they were going to need. Bakugou dragged uraraka by the hand, hiding behind shelves and running to the opposite side that their parents. She felt guilty, but his hand around hers gave her safety and warmth and she never wanted to let go.


Their school years were glorious. The first day, they sat together and deemed unnecessary to make friends with anyone else. If they were together, what bad could happen?

Bakugou got into a lot of fights. Sometimes, Uraraka sat outide of the principal's office next to him, but the mayority of the time, she waited at the end of the hallway.

It seemed as though nothing would ever change. They went to school toether, then come back home and play all afternoon long in the woods. Their games were varied, but it was a personal favorite when they both got to be heroes, the great Uravity and King Explosion sharing the number one hero spot with All Might himself!

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