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AN: Don't mind me being an absolute clown in light of recent events.

"But why?" Uraraka said, resting her chin on her left hand while her right one fiddled with the straw of her drink.

"Why not?" Bakugou shrugged, taking a long drink.

"But why?" she insisted, also deciding to take a sip. Overly sweet, just as she liked it.

"Why. Not." he repeated.

He knew something was up the moment Uraraka had suggested to go to a fancy bubble tea place, instead of the cheaper ramen place they always went on dates to. It wasn't her style to spend her money on stuff like that, even if she did feel certain weakness towards anything sweet. What he didn't expect was that such impromptu date was, in fact, an intervention.

She puffed her cheeks.

"I know you're gonna try to kill me," she said slowly, "I don't care. All I'm asking is, of all the things you could've chosen, why the nerdiest of them all?"

He felt sparks starting to form on his fingertips.

"Nerd? Ya think I'm a fucking nerd, cheeks?" he growled, baring his teeth. Had she been anyone else, she'd be the ground zero of an angry explosion. Alas, she was his girlfriend.

"See? No, I mean. You might as well gone for All Might the Second." she quirked an eyebrow, "I knew you admired him but, geez."

"Look, round face, I don't give a shit. No matter how disgraceful you think my name is, it's not fucking Deku" he basically spat. He knew it had been her doing what motivated their classmate to choose that name.

"What does Deku have to do with any of this, Mini-might?" she said, getting dangerously close to his face. The only disgraceful thing going on was that she knew the power she had over him. One inch closer and he'd close his eyes on instinct, expecting a kiss or ready to claim it.

"He deadass called himself Deku, that's what." Bakugou said, trying hard not to be distracted by the proximity of Uraraka's face. "What was I supposed to do? Call myself bloody Kacchan or something?"

She giggled, leaning back on her chair. He immediately felt the lack of proximity, but didn't say a thing.

"Why not Ground Zero, then? We all loved that one." she asked, genuinely curious. He'd been pondering on multiple hero names before landing in his current one, and her personal favorite had been, in fact, Ground Zero.

"Because dumbass Pikachu came up with that one. And like I said, I'm not bloody Deku to let someone else pick MY hero name." He said, slurping his tapioca bubbles. He tried to chew them, but the bubbles kept slipping and he ended up swallowing them whole.

"That's another thing I don't get." she said, placing her fingertips over his hand, careful to keep her pinky up.  "You're always coming up with nicknames for everyone you know, but you can't come up with a decent name for yourself?"

"So you're saying Dynamight is not good enough?" He said, knowing she hadn't meant it that way.

"No, I mean, come on. I can name 10 different ways you've referred to me in the last week from the top of my head. But somehow, you went for All Might Junior" she pondered whether she'd been too cruel. After all, he did keep most of their class waiting to finally reveal his hero name.

"Admit it. You wanted to choose my hero name and you're just angry I didn't give you the opportunity." he smirked. "Besides, don't pretend you don't like it when I call you Angel face."

Her cheeks went pink. She knew he knew that Angel Face got her every time.

"Psht, whatever," she quickly dismissed it, "You damn fanboy."

They stayed silent for a bit. She circled her fingertips over the back of his hand, as he looked at the way her hair reflected the lights of the shop.

"Is... Is it really that bad?" he asked. He didn't want to hear the answer. He didn't want to want to hear it. But he couldn't help it, he cared about her, about her opinion.

It wasn't too late yet. After all, they hadn't graduated and that was just a provisional hero license. If Uraraka really hated Dynamight as much as she said she did, then he could still change it. He didn't want to, but when it came to it, if he had to choose between his girlfriend, or a hero name, the choice was pretty obvious.

"No..." as she said that, he let out a breath he didn't realized he'd been holding, "It's just... Ground Zero sounded perfect in the same sentence than Uravity. Lookin forward, we could've, I don't know, formed an alliance, Zero Gravity... It's dumb and cheesy, but I... Whatever. I like Dynamight too."

His eyes widened, he tried to read the expression on her pink round face. She looked embarrassed and ever so slightly disappointed. But not on him, on herself? Was she disappointed that she'd had such high hopes?

"Bullshit" he said, cupping her cheek in his hand. "We're gonna be the best hero couple the world has ever seen, cool name or not. Got it?"

She looked up at him and held his gaze. He had that look in his eyes, the one he had every time he talked about his brilliant future, and she was a part of it. In a way, a time came in which neither of them could think of a future without the other. Uravity and Dynamight, ready to save the world.

"Geez, I thought I was the cheesy one" she scoffed, before finally colliding their lips together. He sighed into the kiss, relieved. "It's still kinda nerdy, though."

He groaned, but didn't pull back. Instead, he kissed her harder, grasping the back of her neck with his hand, with no plans on letting go. Her kisses were like dynamite to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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