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"Thirty days straight" she said, with a proud smirk, holding her hands up as though trying to show off her fingertips, "I'll float myself for one entire month"

Bakugou looked at Uraraka as if she was crazy. He was drinking some water in the kitchen when she ran down the dorms and told him all about her wicked scheme.

"Why?" he asked, not entirely sure what she meant.

"I always get nauseous when I use my quirk on myself, but it's such a good fighting tactic!" she explained, "I'm gonna float myself for a month to train myself to feel less nauseated."

He scoffed at her, while she waved her pink finger pads at him.

"You're going to run out of vomit by day four." he said, walking out of the kitchen and sitting on the couch.

She walked up to him, giving him an annoyed look.

"But I'll totally make it."

"No way"

"You're just jealous you can't make your quirk any stronger, while I still have all the potential in the world"

He quirked an eyebrow.

"Bold words by someone on explosion range"

"You know you can't intimidate me" she said, walking closer and closer.

He grew nervous as he saw her approaching face. Before either of them could react towards the tension between them, Tsu entered the common room.

"What's happening here?" asked the green-haired girl, followed by her iconic "ribbit".

Bakugou stood up abruptly, shoving Uraraka aside and pushing her to the couch.

"Round Face is going to float herself for an entire month!" he said, trying very hard to hide his prominent blush.

Tsuyu looked at her friend as though asking for comfirmation. Uraraka stood up as well, keeping a one step distance from her male classmate.

" Yup!" the brunette confirmed, "thirty days, and everytime I fail, I'll start over."

Tsuyu lifted a finger and laid it against her chin, deep in thought.

"But, how are you going to move around?" she asked, then "ribbit" once more.

Uraraka seemed to be taken off by the question a few seconds, but then, very sure of herself, she raised her hands again, celebrating her idea.

"I'll ask Momo-chan to make me a rope, I'll tie it around my waist, and you guys can take turns on who will pull me around!"

The blond beside her scoffed, this time convinced she had lost her mind.

"That's the most stupid plan I've heard" he said, mockingly.

"I bet you ¥1000 you'll get tired of pushing me around" she said.

He fell straight into her manipulation.

"Yeah? Well I bet you ¥2000 you'll give up before I get tired" Bakugou answered, unaware of what he got himself into.

So now it was a bet, and not only a training, what held Uraraka air-bound for the next month.


"Can someone explain why miss Uraraka is floating herself during class hours?" Aizawa sensei asked, much to his sleep-deprived annoyance.

Uraraka was holding her hands against her stomach to try and soothe the twist in her guts, but spoke up anyways and answered her teacher's question.

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