Plus Ultra Or Whatever

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"Anyway, Bakubro, do you have a date for the dance?" asked Kirishima, casually leaning on Bakugou's shoulder, as he usually did. "I'm asking Mina today."

Bakugou frowned, pushing his red-head friend aside.

"Why would I want a date for that stupid dance anyway?" the blond groaned, "I thought you extras were gonna drag me around all night"

Sero raised an eyebrow. "Wait, so you didn't know?"

"Dude, we've been discussing this for the last two weeks, we're all getting dates" Kirishima explained, "Were you not listening all this time?"

For the first time in that day, Bakugou had to actually look at his friends to figure out what had been going on. He was used to ignore whatever the group got into, pretending he didn't care about anything they had to say, although the real reason was that he couldn't always hear clearly what was being said. He had taken for granted that he and his friends would be attending their end-of-semester dance together, but apparently they all had different plans.

"Shit." said the blond, "so you all have dates already?"

The group nodded, saying some things that Bakugou couldn't quite catch. That just made him groan in annoyance.

"Who would go with damn dunce-face, anyway?" Asked Bakugou, eyeing Kaminari.

"Heh, Jirou here couldn't resist my charms" Kaminari answered rather proud, carefully placing an arm around the purple-haired girl. She inmediately stuck one of her earphone jacks inside his right ear and sent a sound wave that hurt his ear and made him jump far from her.

"I had no other choice." Jirou explained, but a small blush in her cheeks and nose revealed otherwise.

"And soy-sauce?" asked Bakugou.

"Dude, at least try to learn our names." Sero complained, but answered anyway, "I'm going with Tsunotori"

Bakugou furrowed his brows. "Who?"

"Ugh..." Sero pinched the bridge of his nose, "Exchange student, blonde, has horns..."

"Whatever" Bakugou finally shrugged him off, making his point of not being interested very clear, "Guess I'll get a date too."

"Yeah, well, the Winter Formal is tomorrow so you better hurry." Kirishima elbowed his friend.

For the third time in a span of ten minutes, Bakugou groaned frustrated. 

The rest of the school day went by rather quickly. Katsuki was used to only care about his classes and never engage in his classmates' demeanors, but since he was in the search for a date, he had to be more observant. His first three options were taken, since Kirishima was going with Mina, that meant two down, and Jirou had gotten involved with Pikachu somehow. He resorted to look at the rest of the girls. His eye was caught by Ochako Uraraka. He knew her, at least better than the other girls, given they had fought in the sports festival and since then, she became an unspoken rival to him. Despite how much he admired Ochako, he knew that she was rather smitten for the damn nerd he so much hated, Deku, so he immediately dismissed her as an option.

Moving on, he realized he could maybe ask Ponytail girl, the vice class representative. And he was about to do so when he saw her and Half-and-half talk. He didn't even need to ask to notice what was going on between them, so he didn't. His eyes finally fell on the frog girl, and he even considered asking her then and there, but just as he was about to, the girl in question walked up to one of the extras, the bird guy to be precise, and asked him to the dance on the spot. And unless there was someone with an invisivility quirk that he hadn't seen before, Katsuki was sure he had ran out of girls.

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