1984 All Valley Champion Winner?

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On a Saturday afternoon, is the day of the tournament as Mr. Miyagi drives his rusted old truck giving Johnny, Daniel, Tommy, Jimmy, Bobby and Dutch a ride to the tournament. Ali shows up with her boyfriend to watch the tournament to support the boys of Miyagi Do karate. Lucille shows up too to support her son and her future son in law Johnny. The boys get changed in the bathroom into their Miyagi Do outfits and black belts on. Versus the three historical figures not dressed down as the judges let that slide because John Kreese told them where they came from. The judges find it quite interesting and peculiar to have their first ruthless Saxon princess and the Lady of the Mercians to fight against all of the opponents soon. Aethelflaed is the first girl to also be wearing earrings for this event to come as she knows better that no one would try to pull her earring off meaning it's definitely an automatic disqualification. Aethelflaed is a tough girl who is ready to put up a fight as she, Uhtred and Finan came trotting along chanting "Cobra Kai" by getting in the way of Johnny, Daniel and their friends group.

"When are those three going to grow up?!" Johnny asked and shouted.

"Don't worry about those jerks" Bobby said to Johnny.

The tournament starts..........( The song Your The Best Around by Joe Esposito is playing during half of the tournament)...........

Johnny, Daniel, Mr. Miyagi and their friends fought different karate students first as they were tough against them and won tons of points thanks to Mr. Miyagi teaching the boys. The boys tons and tons of many different students from different schools until.................

It's finally time to fight against the Saxon princess and the two ex-vikings Uhtred and Finan.

Uhtred is first to fight against Johnny, Daniel, Tommy, Jimmy, Bobby and Dutch. Surprisingly, Uhtred was easy for them to beat only because Uhtred is starting to see John Kreese's evil side about how they should fight again Johnny and the boys from Miyagi Do side. Uhtred played by the rules of the tournament as that sure costed him after he lost to all of the six boys.

"Put those boys out of commission" John Kreese said to Finan.

"But I'll get disqualified" Finan said to John Kreese.

It's Finan's turn to fight against those boys. Bobby, Jimmy, Tommy and Dutch as he beat them all out. The last two Johnny, then Daniel and they are all out.

In the quiet locker room area.................

Lucille came to see her son Daniel and Johnny as they both got injured.

"You fought great out there Daniel" Lucille said to her son.

"Just leave me alone" Daniel said with a bad attitude to his mom and because he and Johnny lost.

"We could've won if they didn't cheat" Johnny said to his boyfriend Daniel.

"I know, but it you can't go on then I will because your brave boyfriend like me never gives up" Daniel said to his boyfriend Johnny.

"You'd do that for me? What about that girl though? She's evil and so I hope that you win against her and then we will win that victory over the first place trophy" Johnny asked and said to Daniel with slight hope in him.

"Yes would Johnny, I do this for you, I love you Johnny" Daniel said to Johnny.

"I love you too Daniel" Johnny said back to Daniel with a smile.

Aethelflaed is up out there. Mr. Miyagi whispers to the judges out there.

"Daniel LaRusso is going to fight! We'll let's see this interesting boy girl fight to become of to win the title of the All Valley Champions first place trophy!" The judges announced loudly.

Daniel goes out there to fight. While Johnny and the other boys watch with nervous faces.

Aethelflaed and Daniel first bowed to each other and then gets into their fighting positions. Aethelflaed fights good against Daniel until she didn't make her first point yet surprisingly. Daniel comes around making his first point by hand striking her in the her stomach. The second round of fighting, Aethelflaed finally gets her first point against Daniel. Daniel gets slightly injured but not too bad. Daniel comes back around with his second point by kick flipped her by ending his hand striking move at Aethelflaed in the back of her head while her face is in the ground resulting in a nose bleed. The judges called a time out. Aethelflaed comes to John Kreese for comfort as he sees her bloody nose. Not much comfort out Kreese by saying........."sweep the leg".

"Do you got a problem with that lady Aethelflaed?" John Kreese asked her.

"No sensei sir" Aethelflaed answered for John Kreese.

"It's no mercy" John Kreese last said to Aethelflaed.

Aethelflaed goes back out as she fights Daniel for their final round. Aethelflaed comes back by actually sweeping Daniel's leg as he's kind of hurt but he's still fine. The second time around there is booing in the crowd as Aethelflaed elbow strikes Daniel's leg where he's limping with his right foot. The last final time around, Daniel gets into his different stance like none before with his arms spread wide out until he crane kicks Aethelflaed in the face as she came close to attack but she didn't. This is it, Daniel LaRusso made history and won against the meanest girl ever. Even his mom Lucille is very proud and excited for her son's victory. Johnny, Daniel and friends and Mr. Miyagi cheered with their first place trophy. While John Kreese's three unique students got the second place trophy.

Afterwards, the boys showered. Johnny showers together with his boyfriend Daniel cleaning each other's bodies and kissed each other too. Then after they got dressed and about to leave. They all walked outside to their truck until they witness John Kreese telling Aethelflaed that she's a loser by destroying their second place trophy. Kreese tries to choke Aethelflaed, as she's got a horrible flashback of when she used to get abused by her ex husband Aethelred. Aethelflaed kicks Kreese hard on the face with her flexible leg as she flips her sensei on the ground and kicked him extremely hard right in his face.

"No mercy" Aethelflaed last said.

Mr. Miyagi and the others came to see Aethelflaed.

"Hello, congratulations you young men deserved it and you Daniel, I didn't see your crane kick coming and you did great. Our sensei showed a poor sport attitude and now our second place trophy is broken and we don't know what to do?" Aethelflaed said and asked to Daniel.

"I will fix your trophy hand it here" Mr. Miyagi said to Aethelflaed.

Aethelflaed hands him her trophy. Mr. Miyagi puts his hands together by move shaking and then in a blink of an eye, their second place trophy is fixed.

"Thanks kind man, and you boys, were really sorry for the harm we caused you all before the tournament, we definitely didn't know what we were thinking and this tournament gave us time to think that it's time to get rid of John Kreese for good" Aethelflaed said to the boys and Mr. Miyagi.

"We all forgive you now" the boys all said to Aethelflaed.

"Our time is up and we don't belong here, it's nice to come this far into the future and experience karate and farewell" Aethelflaed said to the boys.

"Goodbye" Mr. Miyagi and the boys said to Aethelflaed.

Aethelflaed, Uhtred and Finan left back into the time machine to go back home to ancient Wessex.
( that was it and what's next is a different type of continuation sequel called Life After Karate Kid as that one will be different from my House Husbands Of Encino because Aethelflaed, Uhtred and Finan aren't mentioned in that one since I made my Real House Husbands Of Encino a reality Fanfiction story. I love my Lawrusso's Karate Kid version and thanks again my awesome lovelies until next time in my Life After Karate Kid story to come soon)

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