Chapter 07

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[A/N] *IMPORTANT* I edited this same note onto chapter 01 for anyone coming in new, but for any one continuing this is here for you too.

I will mostly be copying and pasting this over from where I originally posted over on fanfiction . net. The rewrite is slowly but surely being worked on and I want to gather as much feedback as I can, so please be sure to leave comments and help me improve my storytelling. I recognize that there are many faults in this fanfiction as it was my first one, but I hope to improve beyond that. So I hope that you can make it past the elements that need serious work and stick around for the rewrite.

I haven't updated on here in a few years so one of the two things I am doing as I copy and paste is updating my *breaks* into my current form of dividing scenes, bold italic first word of the scene and a line. The line seems a bit light, so let me know if I need to fix that or if it works.

The underlined bit didn't actually work on this site so I'll just be placing indents at the start of scenes.

The other is doing a basic rundown for capitalization and fixing parts were I just put the wrong words or have bed spelling. I'm saving any real editing for the rewrite.

     Naruto was currently standing in front of the Godaime Hokage Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya. He had been called into there about something important. The new Hokage was handing him a scroll with his Name and a seal on it.

"What is this?" He asked.

"As far as we can tell, sensei left this and another scroll for you in his will," Tsunade said, handing him another scroll that was in the same state as the first.

"What are these seals on them?" Naruto asked, even though he had a good idea.

"Those are blood seals," Jiraiya responded. "They keep the scrolls closed and only release by the blood of the people they are registered to. From what we can tell, you and sensei are the only ones able to open them. And with him dead that only leaves you. We tried but they didn't respond to us."

"Alright, thank you. I'll take these then." Naruto said as he turned to leave. He stopped when he got to the door. "He was like a grandfather to me, so I think I know how you two are feeling about this. I'm sorry for your loss."

"And us for yours," Tsunade replied as Naruto left.

"So, I looked into it and found that he hasn't been seen near his apartment in the past few months. Not since he became a genin." Jiraiya said once Naruto was gone.

"What are you thinking?"

"I think there's something he isn't telling us."

"Do you think it's important enough to look into?"

"Maybe, we'll see," Jiraiya said as he took off out the window.

As they were talking Naruto was silently cursing under his breath. He had managed to figure out that Jiraiya had gone poking around his old apartment. At this rate, things could become difficult. However, for the time being, he was entering his home and headed for his office. Once he got in he put the two scrolls down on his desk and stared at them for a moment before picking one of them up. Once he unsealed it he found several sealing arrays filled with books, jutsu scrolls, as well as some of the Third's personal effects, and his battle armor.

'I wonder how that got in here. He probably had spares and sealed one of them in here for me in case he died in battle.'

In the second one, he found one much more sensitive. It was a letter from Hiruzen. Naruto started to read over it and once he was finished did it again.

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