Chapter 13

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Four years ago.

     "What do you mean Hidan is dead? That's not possible." The voice rasping voice said in the darkness.

"Apparently, it is." said the solid, and authoritative voice in response.

"As I heard, he had it coming. He attacked someone recklessly without knowing their abilities." said a female voice.

"As much as you care for not underestimating an opponent, even you have to admit none of us could have predicted someone being able to kill one us, let alone Hidan. He may have been an idiot of the highest level, but he was still one of the strongest of us." a deep, monotone voice said in response.

"This is so stupid." came a dull, female voice that sounded bored.

"Can we get to the point of this meeting?" asked the voice of a young man that sounded annoyed by the entire meeting.

"Fine." said the authoritative voice. "The point of the meeting is that we are now down a member, and face the threat of someone who can kill us. Even if we cast Hidan out because he had no control, he was still a part of us and will be avenged. I know some of you never liked Hidan. For you, I say you will cooperate if for no other reason, to kill whoever it is that poses a threat to us."

"Oh come on," said a new, insane sounding voice, "can't we just get back to killing people? I wanted to test some more of my beautiful art."

"No, this is a threat that can't be ignored."

     "I-Immortal first Uzumaki?" Naruto asked with awe in his voice.

"Well, I guess that was over-exaggerated in a moment of hubris. I can die. I can be killed. I just don't age. It would seem that the longevity I passed down, originated from longevity that won't end any time soon. I can be killed, it's just difficult." Roku said in response.

"Yes," Shenron said, "even I didn't know about that part."

"So why didn't you tell me sooner?" Naruto asked.

"He was actually here three years ago. He wanted to see how patient you would be if we told you to wait for information. You waited over three years. He was impressed." Shenron said.

"Alright," Naruto said before turning back to Roku, "but why not show up before? Why wait until now?"

Roku closed his eyes and released a heavy sigh. "I was once a man who intervened in wars, so as to spread peace. Though I didn't stay, and most records of my existence were destroyed due to the chaos at that time. Eventually, I was able to help calm the world. Eventually, I found a wife and passed down my Uzumaki blood. I created a home for my children in Uzu no Kuni. But as years past, wars began anew, people aged and faded away, even I am a relic of the past. The only difference is that I have had to watch as all I cared for withered, aged, and eventually died. Eventually, I lost hope. I went into seclusion, wanting to live alone so that I couldn't watch the people I loved die anymore. Over time I did things. I helped bring prosperity to small villages, and yet they still slowly passed me by. But you, you give me a small spark of hope."

"Hope for what." Naruto asked.

"Hope for a way to once again do the job I believe is my responsibility. You have given me hope in some of your actions. People hated you, yet you persevered. When they betrayed you, you didn't surrender. You then managed to bring back our home, even though it was so damaged and behind a barrier. You have also brought together three of the jinchuriki, including yourself, as well as Suna and Kiri. Things I didn't think possible. You have used yourself as a way to channel this alliance between them." Roku said with a small smile. "Who knows, I might just-" He said before going silent.

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