Chapter 18

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[A/N] This is really important, so please read it.
When I first wrote this chapter, I hadn't intended for it to make people as angry as it did. Some people gave up on the story or thought this was the actual end. I want to make this very clear.

After a certain point, this chapter is somewhere between an alternate ending and a hallucination. When the next chapter is posted it will become clear where that line is drawn, but I promise that the way I went about doing this will be reworked in the rewrite.

*Two Days Prior*

     "Tell me exactly what a king is?" the figure asked.

He and Naruto were sitting in two chairs before a fireplace. It was only a room Naruto had materialized within his mindscape, but it was still relaxing.

"That is a strange question." Naruto said.

"You're talking to me and didn't expect such a question?"

"It's exactly because I'm talking to you that I expected a strange question. I was simply pointing out the strangeness of it. Even for you, it is unusual."

"Just answer the question.

"A king is like an emperor. But, by the very definition, an emperor has power over more lands than a king."

"What do you mean?"

"A king has control over a kingdom, which is a single country or state. And emperors have empires, which are collections of states."

"So that is why the Kage and Daimyos are sometimes referred to as kings." He said before a pause. "To think, when I get out of here I'll be a king."


"If you prefer to use the word 'if', then feel free."

Naruto paused a moment before speaking again. "Why 'king'?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why not Kage? You specified that you would be a king. You took interest in the word to begin with. Why?"

"I already knew what the word meant. I live in your mind. I took an interest in the differences between the words. I chose king, because it has a better ring to it than Kage."

"A better ring?"

"A different ring. Even if I were to conquer the entire world, I would settle for king over emperor. It's different and not used as often. I would go for hegemon for the same reason. However, it would be a good word for someone with an emperor like position, but it's a more complicated word that few would understand without a description. I would rather be called a king. When you finally break, and I finally get out of this prison, I will become the greatest and most feared king to ever rule."

"I find it interesting how our conversations can be so civilized sounding even though we both know you're insane. And they can be so calm until you bring up the topic about you breaking free. Not only that, but you consider my mind a prison when we both know that some would consider your mind a nightmare. You and I both know you're an insane psychopath."

"You're one to talk. Or have you forgotten who I am? And so soon after our last talk? I'm hurt."

"I remember who you are. Do not think me a fool. I also remember what you are after, Kichigai."

Kichigai simply exhaled a deep breath before standing up. "Yes. I want to know what's in that vault of yours. Think what you will of me, but it's your fault."

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