Chapter 10

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     "Now, for the time being, I would like it if you would keep my identity among the few of us here."

"Why is that, and why trust us with your identity if you want it to stay hidden?" Mei asked.

"The answer is simple. I'm trusting you because I need you to trust me. And I want you to keep my identity secret because if it was known I have no doubt that Konoha would cause problems. Not only that, but while Uzu has the barrier, it's still weak, and my allies aren't up to the strength required to fight a war."


"Yes, I intend to destroy Konoha because of the fact that they betrayed me. They tried to have me executed."

"Why?" Ao asked. "I know that the jinchuriki are hated, but they are also seen as a village's greatest weapons. To be honest, I myself am a little hesitant to be in the same vicinity as you."

"Because they were fools who focused more on revenge than what truly mattered. In the end, it will bring about their destruction. As for keeping my identity secret, if it were found out that I was in Uzushio they wouldn't hesitate to come for their weapon once it was confirmed that I somehow was there. Kumo and Iwa would most likely come for the head of the Yondaime's son. Konoha...from what I have been able to gather they are going to try to take me back or kill me if necessary. This poses a problem because of another reason. If people found out that Uzu is back on the rise they would try to stop it before it starts. The barrier is the ultimate shield, but it doesn't matter because we have no way to retaliate. In the end, it will turn into a waiting game. My home doesn't have the resources to wait out the elemental nations for long. Eventually, we would need resources and trade to survive. We can't do that while being cut off from the rest of the world."

Ao nodded. Naruto was young but clearly understood when it was better to stay out of sight, even if that meant holding off on his revenge against the people who betrayed him.

Then Naruto spoke up again. "Along with stopping this massacre and fulfilling a promise, I am also here to gain support."

"Support?" Mei asked.

Naruto sighed. "If I want to change, or do, anything I will need to make Uzu grow into a military and economical powerhouse. However, before it can even get close to that point the barrier will need to come down so that commerce can thrive. That will be the only way to support the population needed to make Uzu strong again. Along with Suna, Yagura, and the Ichibi's host Garra, I hope to gain all of Mizu as an ally. Before you ask questions let me explain."

"Currently the situation in Suna is less than favorable for anyone. To help stabilize things Garra's mentor is taking up the position of acting Kazekage. I estimate that here soon he will be officially instated so as to keep all of Kaze no Kuni from being thrown into chaos. However, they are still weak and dependent on Konoha for aid in their recovery. I will not have them break ties with Konoha yet because they need Konoha a lot more than Konoha needs them. Breaking ties will only cause trouble that Suna can't handle rights now."

"Then there is the land of snow. Once I'm done in Mizu I will be heading back to Uzu to remove the barrier for a short time. They have decided to break ties with Konoha because they can more than handle themselves for the time being. They have also agreed to two things. The first is that they will not take action against Konoha until I give the word. The second is that they will send me much-needed numbers. Both civilians for helping to build economic growth and to help rebuild, as well as samurai and a few of what little shinobi they have to help in defense if it is ever needed and to send out to build revenue for the village. Though some of them are less than happy about the impending move, even if I have told them that I will try to accommodate them as much as I can. The only problem is that soon I will be limited to the amount of time I can spend outside of the barrier unless I have someone else manage the barrier for me. Although I believe I know the perfect person."

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