Chapter 09

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     Naruto was walking over the rubble of his new home. He could not believe this had been done to his mother's home simply because of fear. It sickened him what people would do out of fear.

"Everyone," He said turning to the ex-Oto-nins, "I need you all to start getting together the bodies. Use uniforms to tell if they were Uzu or one of the attackers. Once that's done start moving some of the rubble. I want this country up and running in the next week." Naruto said before producing several hundred clones to help them. "We only just landed on the beach. This might only be an island but it's big enough to be called a nation in its own right. This means we have a lot of work to do and not a whole lot of time. You, sound four, come with me. There is something I want to check. You too Kamaji." It took a few moments for Naruto to have them in a spot farther from the group working on their new task. "Alright, I want you four to show me your curse seals," Naruto said with a blank look in his face. It took some convincing but they showed their necks so he could see the marks, or lack thereof.

"I thought so," Naruto said.

"What is it?" Tayuya asked.

"Your curse seals are gone."

"What the hell did you just say?!" Kidomaru nearly shouted.

"Kamaji, from everything I was able to find on the curse mark and show you, do you think that such a seal could simply disappear?"


"Then my suspicions were correct." He looked at the four. "I believe you four died."

     Tsunade was currently sitting at her desk. The past few days had been hell, and her winning lottery ticket said that her migraine was only going to get worse. The past few days had been listening to constant babbling about finding Naruto being their top priority.

'What do they think I have those ANBU out doing?! Buying souvenirs from Iwa?!' Tsunade thought to herself. First Naruto had gotten away, then they followed up on the barrier being gone, only to find the rest of the team dead. And then there was all the crap she got because of Naruto claiming Namikaze to be part of his name. It had taken a few hours to assure them it wasn't true.

Then she could feel it. The disturbance that meant her day was about to be shot out the window and down a ten-story fall. She braced herself for what she knew was not going to be an enlargement to her current headache, but a new one altogether. Instantly her door was taken off the hinges as it flew passed her head and out the window.

Where her door once stood, now stood Sasuke Uchiha. Make that a twenty-story fall. He quickly walked up to her desk and the look in his eyes said bloody murder. She had heard the Uchiha was awake, but she really didn't expect this. Then he opened his mouth.

"What did you do to Naruto?"

"We were getting rid of a-" She was cut off by Sasuke punching his fist on her desk.

"What gave you the right to try and execute him?!"

"He is the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. I simply tried to get rid of a threat."

"You only made him a threat! I found out what he contained from any number of people on the street on my way here! He did his job and could have been the most powerful Ninja ever to be under Konoha's command! Now, after all the times Konoha withstood destruction, Madara, the wars, Naruto will come back and from what I hear he will slaughter everyone here!"

"That is why the ANBU are out looking for him. Hopefully, we can take him down before-"

"Are you trying to be funny, or are you just stupid? You can guarantee that if Naruto isn't brought back alive, and treated like I am, I am going to use whatever influence I can to cause as much trouble as possible." Tsunade knew that would be a problem. She hated to admit it but most of the population would give the 'last Uchiha' their support.

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